The Engineering Projects
A lot of Engineering projects and tutorials for the students to help them in their final year projects and semester projects.
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5 Ways to Prevent Your Car from Being Stolen

Install a security system, Steering locks and wheel clamps, Lock your car, Park in a well-lit area, Don't leave valuables in your car Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we will have a look at the 5 Ways to Prevent Your Car from Being Stolen. Every year over 720,000 motor vehicles are stolen, according to the official site of the United States government. Thieves have gotten savvy, using technology ...

Manufacturing Process of Multilayer PCB

Introduction to Multi-layer PCBs, Criteria for classification of multi-layer PCBs, Overview of Multi-layer PCB, Construction of Multi-layer PCB, Problem faced by experts in developing multi-layer PCBs, What is prepreg, Lamination method of Multi-layer PCB, Why do we need multi-layer PCB, Common mistakes the in developing process of multi-layer PCBs, Advantages of multi-layer PCBs, Disadvantages of multi-layer PCBs, Applications of multi-layer PCBs Hello! Readers, I hope you are pretty good. I am here with a new article to enhance your knowledge about advanced technologies. Today, we will have a detailed overview of the Manufacturing Process of Multilayer PCB. First, we will have a look at its basic definition, why there Is a need for this ne ...

ESP32 Web Socket Server

What is a web socket server, How web socket protocol is different from HTTP protocol, What is hand shaking in networking, Three-way handshaking, Web socket application, Creating web socket server using ESP32 module, Code Testing, Web socket client Departments:Electrical EngineeringElectronics EngineeringMicrocontrollers:ESP32Codings:Arduino CSoftwares:Arduino IDE Hello readers, hope you all are doing great. In this tutorial, we will discuss another ESP32 protocol that is Web Socket and we will also explain how to create a web server using web ...

ESP32 Interrupts

What is interrupt, Polling, ESP32 interrupt, Software interrupts, Hardware Interrupts, IRS (Interrupt Service routine), Steps to execute an interrupt or how is an interrupt us handled in microcontroller, ESP32 code, Code description for ESP32 interrupts with Arduino IDE, Code description for hardware interrupts, Why is it preferred to use timer to add delay instead of using delay() function Departments:Electrical EngineeringElectronics EngineeringMicrocontrollers:ESP32Codings:Arduino CSoftwares:Arduino IDE Hello readers, hope you all are doing great. Today, we will discuss interrupts and timers in ESP32 and how to handle internal as well as external interrupts. So, we will discuss What ...

ESP32 Web Server in Access Point (AP) Mode

What happens in access point (AP) mode, code description, Wi-Fi access point example, Testing ESP32 web server with hardware in access point with Arduino IDE, Connected with ESP32 AP, ESP32 as an access point, Web page displaying the LED off state Departments:Electrical EngineeringElectronics EngineeringMicrocontrollers:ESP32Codings:Arduino CSoftwares:Arduino IDE Hello readers, hope you all are doing great. This is our 3rd tutorial in the ESP32 programming series. In our previous tutorial, we discussed the ESP32 Web server, where we created t ...

How to use ADC with STM32?

Using ADC with STM32, ADC channel selection, ADC setting, ADC regular conversion mode, Injected simultaneous mode, Regular simultaneous mode Departments:Computer EngineeringComputer ScienceMicrocontrollers:STM32 NucleoCodings:CSoftwares:STM32 Cube IDE An Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) converts a continuous signal (usually a voltage) into a series of discrete values ??(sequences of bits). The main features are: Resolution (in analo ...

STM32 SPI Communication

SPI communication with STM32, SPI in polling mode, SPI in interrupt mode, SPI in DNA mode, SCLK, MOSI, SS Departments:Computer EngineeringComputer ScienceMicrocontrollers:STM32 NucleoCodings:CSoftwares:STM32 Cube IDE The SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) protocol, or rather the SPI interface, was originally devised by Motorola (now Freescale) to support their microprocessors and microcontrollers. Unlike ...