The Engineering Projects
A lot of Engineering projects and tutorials for the students to help them in their final year projects and semester projects.
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ESP32 HTTP Post with ThingSpeak and IFTTT

ESP32 HTTP Post with ThingSpeak and IFTTT, ESP32 IFTTT ThingSpeak, HTTP Post in ESP32, ESP32 Post request with Thingspeak and IFTTT, IFTTT and Thingspeak with ESP32 Departments:Electrical EngineeringElectronics EngineeringMicrocontrollers:ESP32Codings:Arduino CSoftwares:Arduino IDE ESP32 is a powerful chip for Internet of Things applications. This tutorial is also based on another ESP32 application in the field of IoT. Hello readers, I hope you all are doing gr ...

Hyperconverged Infrastructure Market in 2022 and Beyond

Hyperconverged Infrastructure Market, HI Market Hyperconverged infrastructure becomes the go-to option for enterprise-level companies and startups looking to scale fast. While server virtualization is a mature technology, HCI continues to be one of the hottest trends in the IT industry right now. HCI offers businesses improved reliability, reduc ...

Introduction to MATLAB Command Window

MATLAB keywords, MATLAB Command Window, MATLAB interfaces, basics of matlab, matlab first program, matlab windows, matlab environment Departments:Communication EngineeringSoftwares:MATLAB Hello friends! I hope you all had a great start to the new year. In our first lecture, we had looked at the MATLAB prompt and also learned how to enter a few basic commands that use math operations. This also allowed us to use the MATLAB prompt a ...

What is the difference between BIM and CAD Software for Architects?

What is the difference between BIM and CAD Software for Architects, difference between bim and cad, bim and cad software Are you a new architect or aspiring to become an architect? If the answer is "yes," you will need to have the best programs to make a mark in this industry. Well, the two most important categories of software in architecture are building information modeling (BIM) and computer-aided design (CAD). Wh ...

Introduction to MATLAB

Introduction to MATLAB, Getting started with matlab, matlab basics, matlab programming tutorial, matlab tutorial series, matlab for beginners Departments:Communication EngineeringSoftwares:MATLAB Hello Friends! I hope you all are doing great welcoming 2022. With the start of the New Year, we would like to bring to you a new tutorial series. This tutorial series is on a programming language, plotting software, a data processing tool, a sim ...

Sending Data to Cloud with ESP32 and ThingSpeak

Sending data to Cloud with ESP32 and ThingSpeak, ESP32 ThingSpeak communication, send data to ThingSpeak with ESP32, ThingSpeak ESP32, ESP32 ThingSpeak, what is ThingSpeak, ThingSpeak API with ESP32 Departments:Electrical EngineeringElectronics EngineeringMicrocontrollers:ESP32Codings:Arduino CSoftwares:Arduino IDE The Internet of Things ( or IoT) is a network of interconnected computing devices such as digital machines, automobiles with built-in sensors, or humans with unique identifiers and t ...

Significant Reasons for Investing in IoT Application Development

Significant Reasons for Investing in IoT Application Development, Investing in IoT We all have heard of this term by now. IoT or the Internet of Things is an ingenious yet innovative technology that is the support system for uncountable apps in almost all sectors. With the ever-increasing demand for higher technology, there has been a rapid growth in the field of IoT. You would r ...

ESP-NOW Protocol with ESP32 and ESP8266

ESP-NOW Protocol with ESP32 and ESP8266, ESP Now, ESP Now with ESP32, ESP Now with ESP8266, ESP Now Protocol with ESP32, Implement ESP Now in ESP32, ESP Now with ESP32 in Arduino IDE Departments:Electrical EngineeringElectronics EngineeringMicrocontrollers:ESP32Codings:Arduino CSoftwares:Arduino IDE Hello readers, I hope you all are doing great. In this tutorial, we will learn about the ESP-NOW protocol and how to communicate data between two ESP modules through ESP-NOW protocol ...

ESP32 Internal Temperature Sensor

Departments:Electrical EngineeringElectronics EngineeringMicrocontrollers:ESP32Codings:Arduino CSoftwares:Arduino IDEHello friends, I hope you all are doing great. Welcome to the 3rd lecture of Section 5(ESP32 Sensors) in the ESP32 Programming Series. We have already discussed the two built-in ESP32 ...