Interface Weight Sensor HX711 with Raspberry Pi 4

Welcome to the next tutorial of our raspberry pi programming tutorial. The previous tutorial showed us how to set up a weather station using the Internet of Things (IoT) on a Raspberry Pi 4. First, we studied how a weather station works on a fundamental level. Then we developed a Python script to collect data from the station. In contrast, we'll construct an automatic gate using a Raspberry Pi, a load cell, and an HX711 weight sensor.

These pressure-sensitive gates are common in shopping centers and showrooms; they open when someone is in the immediate vicinity and close again when the person is out of sight. Like the Automatic Gate, we just made, this one will open in response to weight or pressure and stay that way until the force is removed. If you remove the load from this gate, it will close independently.

In this example, a DC motor is the gate, and a piece of rigid cardboard is the load-bearing surface.


  • Raspberry Pi 4

  • DC motor

  • electric gate or DVD trolley

  • 16x2 LCD

  • Power supply or power bank

  • HX711 Load Cell Amplifier Module 

  • L293D Motor Driver IC

  • Jumper wires

  • Breadboard

Load cell, HX711 Weight Sensor Module, and Nut Bolts

A load cell transducer converts mechanical input (force or pressure) into an electric signal. For example, many strain gauges are fastened to an elastic element (with a highly repeatable deflection waveform) to create a load cell.

The load cell depicted in the figure above features four strain gauges, two on each top and bottom surface.

The elastic element of the resistive load cell illustrated above deflects under the applied force, causing a strain at the stress points. For example, see how the animation below depicts how two strain gauges are under tension while the other two are under compression.

The load cell's metal spring element undergoes elastic deformation due to the weight being measured. Its electrical output scales linearly with the applied force. Load cells contain a strain gauge that bends under stress. Strain gauges produce an electrical signal upon deformation due to a change in their effective resistance. Four strain gauges configured as a Wheatstone bridge make up a typical load cell. While load cells can measure loads as small as 5 kilograms or as much as 100 kilograms, we utilized one that measured up to 40 kilograms.

As the Load cell's output electrical signals are only a few millivolts, an amplifier is required; enter the HX711 Weighing Sensor. The HX711 chip inside the HX711 Weight Sensor Module is a 24 high-precision A/D converter. The HX711 features two channels for analog input, and their gain can be programmed up to 128. The HX711 Module boosts the Load cells' light electrical output. The Arduino uses that amplified, digitally transformed signal to calculate the weight.

Four wires lead from the load cell to the HX711 Load cell Amplifier. Red, black, white, and green/blue are the colors of these four wires. Certain modules may have different wire colors than others. Please find the diagram and connecting information below:

  • RED Wire is connected to E+

  • BLACK Wire is connected to E-

  • WHITE Wire is connected to A-

  • GREEN/BLUE Wire is connected to A+

Channel A or Channel B differential input is chosen by the input multiplexer and fed into the low-noise programmable gain amplifier (PGA). When a 5V supply is connected to the AVDD analog power supply pin, the gain of Channel A can be set to 128 or 64, yielding a full-scale differential input voltage of 20mV or 40mV, respectively. A constant gain of 32 is applied to Channel B. Since the regulator for the analog power used by the Analog-digital converter and the sensor is integrated into the chip, there is no longer any need for a separate supply regulator. The clock input can be set manually. It can come from a crystal or on-chip oscillator that doesn't need anything extra to function. The initialization of digital interfaces is made more accessible by on-chip power-on reset circuitry. The internal registers can be used immediately without any programming. The HX711's pins are used for all of its controls.

Fixing Load Cell with Platform and Base

To make this system function, a Load Cell must be buried beneath the door's threshold to detect the weight of someone standing nearby. But, for the sake of demonstration, we have secured the load cell beneath a sturdy piece of cardboard. This will allow us to test the gate by placing a weight on the cell. The load cell has been securely fastened to the wooden base with nuts and bolts. Several images of the setup can be seen below:

The resistive load cell is based on the piezo-resistive concept. The sensor's resistance changes as a function of the applied force or stress. When an external voltage is introduced, the output voltage will fluctuate due to the change in resistance.

A capacitive load cell measures the load by measuring the voltage required to cause a change in the capacitance of a system. The capacitance of a standard parallel plate capacitor scales inversely with the distance between both the plates and proportionally with the area of overlap between the plates relative to the dielectric between them.

Circuit Explanation

The wiring is simple for this automatic gate, and a diagram is included for reference. The GPIO pins 18, 23, 24, 25, 8, and 7 of the Raspberry Pi are connected to the RS, EN, d4, d5, and d7 pins of the 16x2 LCD. The DT and SCK pins of the HX711 Module are wired to GPIO pins 27 and 17, respectively, on the Raspberry Pi. In contrast, the DATA and SCK pins of the Motor Driver L293D are wired to GPIO pins 12 and 16, respectively. Already stated and depicted in the circuit diagram below are the load cell connections necessary to use the HX711 Module.

Analog Inputs 

A differential input channel connects straight to the differential signal sent by a bridge sensor. Gain settings of 128 or 64 are selectable via programming. Since the sensor output signal is typically somewhat weak, high gains are required. These improvements translate to an input differential voltage of 20mV or 40mV at full scale when a 5V supply is connected to the AVDD port. The gain of the differential input on channel B is always 32. With a 5V supply at the AVDD pin, an input voltage of 80mV is possible.

Working Explanation

Raspberry Pi 4 was used as the central processing unit for this project. First, the pressure near the gate is measured by a load cell, which then sends an analog voltage signal to the HX711 Load sensor Module. Next, the output from the Load cell is amplified and converted to digital form by the HX711, a 24-bit analog-to-digital converter. After that, the Raspberry Pi receives the magnified value. The HX711 output is now converted to a weight value by Raspberry Pi. The motor driver IC L293D is then used by the Raspberry Pi to control the gate based on a comparison with the reference weight. In this case, we're using a DC motor as the gate.

We've set the threshold at 100 grams to ensure that only people weighing more than that are allowed through the gate. Once we've removed the 100 grams or the individual is no longer present, the gate will lock. The standard weighting can be adjusted to fit your needs. The state of the gate can be shown on a 16x2 LCD screen (optional). We have created Python software to automate the entire procedure; the program's source code is available for download, along with a video demonstration.

Programming Explanation

In this case, Python will be used for the coding. We did not use a library to connect the HX711 load sensor to the Raspberry Pi in this project. Our only guide was the HX711 datasheet and the accompanying application notes. Nonetheless, libraries are available for this purpose; by including the library, you can obtain the weight with minimal effort.

Then, the GPIO Library was implemented, with pins for the LCD, HX711, and DC motor defined and various calculation variables being declared.

import RPi.GPIO as gpio

import time

RS =18

EN =23

D4 =24

D5 =25

D6 =8

D7 =7

DT =27




Following that, the below code will retrieve information from the HX711 Module.

def readCount():



  gpio.setup(DT, gpio.OUT)



  gpio.setup(DT, gpio.IN)

  while gpio.input(DT) == 1:


  for i in range(24):





        if gpio.input(DT) == 0: 





  return Count 

To open or shut the gate, we now compare the HX711 Module's data with a reference weight in the main function.

while 1:

  count= readCount()



  print w,"g"

  if w>100:  


    lcdprint("Gate Opened ")

    if flag == 0:

      gpio.output(m1, 1)

      gpio.output(m2, 0)


      gpio.output(m1, 0)

      gpio.output(m2, 0)




  elif w<100:


    lcdprint("Gate Closed ")

    if flag==1:

      gpio.output(m1, 0)

      gpio.output(m2, 1)


      gpio.output(m1, 0)

      gpio.output(m2, 0)




In addition, we define several LCD-specific methods, such as begin(), which initializes the display, lcdcmd(ch), which sends commands to the display, lcdwrite(ch), which prints a single character on the display, lcdclear(), which clears the display, and lcdprint(Str), which prints a string. The complete code is included below for your perusal.

As we have shown, an Automated Gate that detects weight using a Raspberry Pi and a load cell is relatively easy to make.

Complete Code

import RPi.GPIO as gpio

import time

RS =18

EN =23

D4 =24

D5 =25

D6 =8

D7 =7

DT =27










gpio.setup(RS, gpio.OUT)

gpio.setup(EN, gpio.OUT)

gpio.setup(D4, gpio.OUT)

gpio.setup(D5, gpio.OUT)

gpio.setup(D6, gpio.OUT)

gpio.setup(D7, gpio.OUT)

gpio.setup(m1, gpio.OUT)

gpio.setup(m2, gpio.OUT)

gpio.setup(SCK, gpio.OUT)

gpio.output(m1 , 0)

gpio.output(m2 , 0)

def begin():








def lcdcmd(ch): 

  gpio.output(RS, 0)

  gpio.output(D4, 0)

  gpio.output(D5, 0)

  gpio.output(D6, 0)

  gpio.output(D7, 0)

  if ch&0x10==0x10:

    gpio.output(D4, 1)

  if ch&0x20==0x20:

    gpio.output(D5, 1)

  if ch&0x40==0x40:

    gpio.output(D6, 1)

  if ch&0x80==0x80:

    gpio.output(D7, 1)

  gpio.output(EN, 1)


  gpio.output(EN, 0)

  # Low bits

  gpio.output(D4, 0)

  gpio.output(D5, 0)

  gpio.output(D6, 0)

  gpio.output(D7, 0)

  if ch&0x01==0x01:

    gpio.output(D4, 1)

  if ch&0x02==0x02:

    gpio.output(D5, 1)

  if ch&0x04==0x04:

    gpio.output(D6, 1)

  if ch&0x08==0x08:

    gpio.output(D7, 1)

  gpio.output(EN, 1)


  gpio.output(EN, 0)

def lcdwrite(ch): 

  gpio.output(RS, 1)

  gpio.output(D4, 0)

  gpio.output(D5, 0)

  gpio.output(D6, 0)

  gpio.output(D7, 0)

  if ch&0x10==0x10:

    gpio.output(D4, 1)

  if ch&0x20==0x20:

    gpio.output(D5, 1)

  if ch&0x40==0x40:

    gpio.output(D6, 1)

  if ch&0x80==0x80:

    gpio.output(D7, 1)

  gpio.output(EN, 1)


  gpio.output(EN, 0)

  # Low bits

  gpio.output(D4, 0)

  gpio.output(D5, 0)

  gpio.output(D6, 0)

  gpio.output(D7, 0)

  if ch&0x01==0x01:

    gpio.output(D4, 1)

  if ch&0x02==0x02:

    gpio.output(D5, 1)

  if ch&0x04==0x04:

    gpio.output(D6, 1)

  if ch&0x08==0x08:

    gpio.output(D7, 1)

  gpio.output(EN, 1)


  gpio.output(EN, 0)

def lcdclear():


def lcdprint(Str):



  for i in range(l):


def setCursor(x,y):

    if y == 0:


    elif y == 1:



def readCount():



 # print Count

 # time.sleep(0.001)

  gpio.setup(DT, gpio.OUT)



  gpio.setup(DT, gpio.IN)

  while gpio.input(DT) == 1:


  for i in range(24):





        if gpio.input(DT) == 0: 


            #print Count





  return Count  



lcdprint(" Automatic Gate ")


lcdprint("    Using RPI   ")



lcdprint("Circuit Digest")


lcdprint("Welcomes You")


sample= readCount()



while 1:

  count= readCount()



  print w,"g"

  if w>100:  


    lcdprint("Gate Opened ")

    if flag == 0:

      gpio.output(m1, 1)

      gpio.output(m2, 0)


      gpio.output(m1, 0)

      gpio.output(m2, 0)




  elif w<100:


    lcdprint("Gate Closed ")

    if flag==1:

      gpio.output(m1, 0)

      gpio.output(m2, 1)


      gpio.output(m1, 0)

      gpio.output(m2, 0)





In conclusion, a weight sensor HX711 and load cell can be easily interfaced with a Raspberry Pi 4 with careful attention to wiring and software configuration. In the right hands, the Raspberry Pi's processing capability can precisely measure mass and analyze the results.

Users must connect the load cell's wires to the HX711 Module and then link the HX711 Module to the Raspberry Pi 4's GPIO pins to interface the weight sensor HX711 and the load cell. After that, Python libraries like "pi-plates" and "HX711" can be used to calibrate and read the sensor values.

Once the sensor is installed, the collected data is used widely, including but not limited to weighing objects, measuring food portions, and automating manufacturing procedures. The Raspberry Pi's processing power and network adapters make it simple to incorporate weight sensing into a wide variety of projects and applications.

For makers, hobbyists, and professionals alike, the HX711 weight sensor and load cell interface with Raspberry Pi 4 provides a robust and versatile platform for measuring and analyzing weight data. The next article will show you how to use Raspberry Pi 4 to create a smart agriculture system based on the Internet of Things.

String Array using Jupyter Notebook in Python

Hey peeps! Welcome to the Engineering Projects where you are learning the basics of Python in detail. We are working a lot with the arrays as these are important concepts in most of the high-level programming languages till now, the numeric data was used in the arrays but for our practice, we are moving towards the next step where the focus will be on the string data type. The practice is done on the Jupyter notebook and every step is going to be explained well without skipping any concepts but to keep things easy, we are not emphasising unnecessary details and concepts. So, before going deep into the topic, have a look at the list of the contents that will be discussed in this lecture:

  • What are the strings?

  • How do we use the string in arrays?

  • What is the list?

  • How do we extract the characters from a simple string through indexing?

  • How do you relate the string array with the list?

  • How can we get more than one character from a string message without using the array?

  • How do we add more than one message together by using the concatenation?

  • What is the best way to access the elements of the string array through indexing?

  • Can we add more elements of the string array into the already declared array?

  • How do we remove the elements from the string array?

  • What is the relation between the string and character in Python and how do you extract the single alphabets from the string using the list method?

All these concepts will be discussed in detail and will be understood by using the coding in Jupyter Notebook. 

What is the String Array in Python?

Here is a quick revision of the concept we have learned so far in this series but it is important to understand the basic definition so that we may understand the difference between all of some basic data types. The string is the sequenced order of the characters. It means that all the meaningful conversations between people and even this lecture are in the form of string. So, in this way, the array, containing all the elements in the form of the string is called the string array. We define it as:

"The string arrays are the specific type of arrays in which all the elements are in the form of string which means it contains the collection of characters in such a way that every element is a meaningful word."

We use the string in our daily life during the conversation and there is no need to explain more because we have used the string many times in our series of these lectures. 

Getting the Character of String Through Indexing

If we start from the basics then we have to mention that as the string is a collection of different characters, then extracting the characters from the strings it is quite simple and easy. Why we are associating this method with the arrays? It is because the compiler can read all the characters by indexing them one after the other and that is the reason why we can fetch the characters in Python by using the indexing method. So, have a look at the code for doing this simple task:


#Declaring and printing the string message

str="We are learning Python"

#printing the single character from the message 

print("The string message = ", str)

print("The second character is " ,str[1])

print("The tenth character is ", str[11])


Getting More than one Character from String


#Declaring and printing the string message

str="We are learning Python"

#printing the single character from the message 

print("The string message = ", str)

#More than one character

print("The characters from second to ninth index are: " ,str[1:8])

#using only semicolons

print("The first ten index characters are :  " ,str[:10])

#out of the range characters

print("The out of the range characters are :  ", str[:45])


Here, the following points are to be understood:

  • More than one character can be extracted from the string using the index.

  • The starting and the ending number of the range you want to print are to be given in the index with a separation using the colon. 

  • If the programmer wants to print the elements from the start to a certain number, there is no need to mention the zero, and we can start directly from the colon. 

  •  By the same token, if the colon comes second and then the number is before it, the compiler will print the character at the index starting from the number till the end of the series of the characters.

  • In case, the programmer gives the numbers that are out of range then the compiler, instead of throwing the error, prints the whole string with its intelligent working. 

Adding String Arrays in Jupyter Notebook

We all have been working with the addition of numbers in our tutorials, but today, the good thing about the string array in Python is, the addition of the arrays, even if they have strings in them, is as easy as the other types of “addition processes." The process of concatenation is used for this. We define it as:

"The concatenation is a specific process used for the string to join two or more strings together in a specific manner."

The At this level, there is no need to explain more. Have a look at the following code:

#decalring the arrays with string words

A=["hi", "we", "are", "learning", "Python"]

B=["It", "is", "easy", "with", ""]

#Using the concatenation for the addition



Arrays as List of String in Python

In Python, the concept of a string array can be associated with the list because it becomes easy for the programmers to deal with the string as the list has the following feature:

  • These contain the specific order of the elements, and for the string, if we want to have a specific message, the order is important and it makes our task easy. 

  • It allows frequent changes in the elements so that we may change the message according to our requirements.

  • Duplication of the element is possible in the list, and in the passing of the message, we observe the same words in single sentences. 

Similar concepts are being used here that we have seen when we were learning the numerical problems, but this time, it will be interesting to know the difference between the results with the help of shortcodes. 

Accessing the Strings in Different Ways

Once you have declared your string, the extraction of single or multiple strings from the same array is fun. The programmer just has to specify the location, and the element is popped on the output. But there are different ways to do so, and some of them are shown in the code next. 


#initializing the array containing the name of programming languages

languages=["C++", "C#", "MATLAB", "ASP.NET", "FLutter"]

#printing the arrays using the index in two ways.

print("\bAccessing the data through index: ",languages[3] )

print("\bAccessing the data through negative index: ",languages[-3] )

#getting the whole array of strings through for loop

print("\bPrinting the whole series using loop")

for lan in languages:



Updating the String Array

Once the array is made, the good thing is that it can be updated according to the will of the programmer. Let’s say we had an array containing the names of the students in the class; if a new student gets admission or the previous one changes the class, it can be updated easily. In other programming languages, the arrays do not allow the updating of the elements. 


#initializing the array containing the name of programming languages

languages=["C++", "C#", "MATLAB", "ASP.NET", "Flutter"]

#appending the new element at the end 


#getting the whole array of strings through for loop

print("\bPrinting the whole series using loop after appending")

for lan in languages:


#deleting the element from the array of string


#getting the whole array of strings through for loop

print("\bPrinting the whole series using loop after deleting")

for lan in languages:



Hence, the update process is easy to use in arrays. The point that must be cleared here is, the pop function is sued to remove the element from the array and the programmer can not use a string in this place otherwise the compiler will show the error. Only the number of the element can be used in this function, and you must have noticed that it is not the position of the element that we have mentioned here but the index of that particular element. 

Converting String into the List of Characters

In other programming languages, characters are separate data types that contain single alphabets and have their own identity and existence. In this way, there must be a specific way to initialize the characters and the strings. Usually, in languages such as C++ and C#, the ways to declare the string and characters are different. Strings are denoted by double quotation marks, and the characters are defined by using single quotation marks around the alphabet. The point that I want to make here is, in Python, there is no concept of single characters, but the declaration of the words or characters, when single or double quotation marks are used, means the string, no matter if it is a single alphabet or the whole message. 

In case the programmer needs to convert the string into a single alphabet (the data type is still a string), he uses a simple and uncomplicated function to do so. The code and the output of this specific program with an example are given next:

Code to Convert String into Alphabets:

#initialization and printing of the string message.

myMsg = " Python is easy. "

print("The message before conversion= ",myMsg )

#conversion of the string into alphabets.

myMsgList = list(myMsg)

print("The message after conversion= ",myMsgList )

#removing the white spaces from the result.

myMsgList2 = list(myMsg.strip())

print("The message without white spaces =", myMsgList2)

#printing the message without any single space

myMsgList3 = list(myMsg.replace(" ", ""))

print("The message without any single space =", myMsgList3)


Here, the following points must be known to understand all the operations performed. 

  • The string message is initialized simply, and after that, the programmers can convert it into a list for useful functions. 

  • To convert the whole string message into a single alphabet, the “list” function is used, and the characteristics of the string are converted into the list. Now, you do not have the string on the screen but the list. 

  • In this case, the compiler reads even the blank spaces between the alphabet and shows them in the form of a single character with single quotation marks. 

  • To remove the starting and end spaces, there is a method called "stripping" that eliminates the extra spaces from the message, and as a result, we get only the alphabets with the necessary spaces between them. 

  • Another method called “replace” is used in Python which replaces all the spaces between the message and easily converts the whole message into a series of alphabets with no spaces between them. 

There are other such methods that deal with the string in different ways. For example, the conversion of the string into single words is also possible, but for now, we are not discussing it. This is all for today, and we hope you learned a lot from this lecture. The beginning of this lecture included a very basic introduction to the string, and we saw how we can use strings in arrays. Moreover, using our concepts, we have learned many built-in functions, and with the usage of the string, it was easy to understand the concepts. We have seen the concatenation and other ways through which we can modify the strings according to our requirements. We will talk more about the string in our next lecture; until then, happy coding. 

Types and Operations on Array using NumPy in Python

Hello students! Welcome to the next episode of NumPy, where we are working more on arrays in detail. NumPy is an important library for Python, and for concepts like integer arrays, it has many useful built-in functions that help programmers a lot. In the previous lecture, the installation and basic functions were discussed and this time, our focus is on the general operations and types of arrays that usually the programmers need during the coding. It is an interesting and basic lecture, and you will learn the following concepts in this lecture:

  • What are some important types of arrays?

  • Why are we using NumPy for arrays?

  • What are zero arrays?

  • What is the random array?

  • How can we use the ones array using NumPy?

  • Is it easy to perform the identity array in Numpy?

  • Practically perform the arithmetic operations in an array.

  • How do we find the maximum and minimum values in the array?

    Important Types of Array with NumPy

    If we talk about arrays, it is a vast concept, and many points are important to discuss. It is one of the reasons why we are using the library of numPy and it becomes super easy to work on the arrays using it. There are different types of arrays that we have learned about in our mathematics classes, and some of them are so important that NumPy has special functions for them so that programmers who want to use them do not have to write the whole code manually, but instead, using some important instructions, the array is formed and used automatically according to the instructions.

    Zeros Array in Python

    Understanding the zeros array is not as difficult as its name implies; it is the array that has all the entries set to zero. In other words, the array does not contain any other value than zero. The size and shape of the array are not restricted by any rules; therefore, any size and shape of the array can be declared as a zero array.

    By the same token, the code for some types of arrays is simple and easy, so here we want to show you how some programmers can add random numbers to their arrays by using this simple instruction. So have a look at the syntax, and then we will use it in the code:

    For the zero arrays:

    myArray =zeros((numbers of rows, numbers of columns))

    For adding more details to your array, you can use the following syntax:

    myArray = np.zeros( shape , dtype , order )

    We are using the zeros array for the first time, therefore, to keep things simple, we will use the first method in our program.

    Random Elements of Arrays:

    random.rand(numbers of rows, numbers of columns)

    Both of these require less effort, but with the help of these built-in functions, the programmers feel the convenience of getting the best result instead of using multiple lines of code to get the required results:


    import numpy as NumPy

    #using the zeros method to print the zero array 

    print("\bZero array with two rows and three columns " )



    #using the random method to print the array 

    print("\bThe random array with two rows and three columns ")




    Here, if you have not noticed the syntax, you must see that both of these have similar syntax, but the numbers of brackets are different. If the programmers do not follow the same syntax for each case (for the simple syntax and for the detailed syntax of zero error), then they will face errors.

    Now, here is the task for you, check the other syntax mentioned above about the zeros array and try to find out how you can use the other details in your zeros array. 

    Ones Array using NumPy

    The next program to perform is also easy to understand if you know the previous one discussed above. This time, all the entries in the array are one. It means, no other entry other than 1 is the shape of the array can be rectangular, square, or any other according to the requirement of the programmer. 


    myArray =ones((numbers of rows, numbers of columns))


    #using the ones method to print the ones array 

    print("\bZero array with two rows and three columns " )



    # Declaring the array as a tuple

    # declaring their data types and printing the results

    onesArray = NumPy.ones((2, 3), dtype=[('x', 'int'), ('y', 'float')])

    print("\bDetailed ones array= ")


    print("\bData type of ones array= ")



    Hence, in this way, we have seen two ways to print our ones array to compare the best method that programmers can use according to their requirements. 

    Identity Array Using NumPy

    The identity array is another important type of matrix or array that is used in multiple instructions, and programmers dealing with numbers must know its formation and applications. We know that the diagonal entries in a matrix or array are the ones that have the same value for row and column. In simple words:



    i=positions of the row

    j=position of the column

    So, for the identity array, these rules are followed:

    • All the diagonal elements are one.

    • All the elements other than the diagonal are zero. 

    • No other number is used in the diagonal array.

    • The shape of the diagonal matrix is always square, which means the numbers of rows are equal to the number of columns. 

    Now it's time to move towards its code and output.

    Syntax of Identity Array


    As you can see, only one number is required for this type of array because it is decided that the numbers of rows and columns are equal. 

    Code for Identity Array

    import numpy as NumPy

    #declaring an identity array with four rows and four columns.

    #printing the simple identity array

    print("\bsimple identity matrix")



    #Multiplying the whole array with three.

    print("\bAfter the multiplication of the identity matrix with three")




    In this way, we have learned that the multiplication of an array is possible in the code, and it is a simple process just as we do it manually in our mathematical problems. 

    Mathematical Operations on 2D Arrays

    When dealing with the arrays, there are certain points that are pros of choosing this data type to manage our data. One of the most prominent advantages is the mathematical operations that can be performed on the arrays by following simple and uncomplicated syntax. Here is the list of the operations that you are going to observe in just a bit on the arrays:

    Arithmetic Operations on Arrays

    This topic is interesting, and you are going to love it because it is simple to perform and easy to understand but is an important concept in Python, especially when using arrays. We all have been working with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division since our childhood, and now is the time to use them in arrays. There is no need to explain more, so let’s move towards the code.

    Code for Arithmetic Operations on Array

    import numpy as NumPy

    #Declaring two arrays for the arithmetic operations.

    print("\bElements in arrays")


    print("A= \n", A)


    print("B= \n", B)

    #Performing the arithmetic operations.

    print("\bAddition of arrays \n", A+B)

    print("\bSubtraction of arrays\n", A-B)

    print("\bMultiplication of first array with the second\n", A*B)

    print("\bMultiplication of second array with the first\n", B*A)

    print("\bDivision of first array with the first\n", A/B)

    print("\bDivision of second array with the first\n", B/A)


    As you can see, we have a long list of outputs, and all the operations that we have discussed are self-explanatory. Here, we have seen that all the arithmetic operations can be done from array to array. Moreover, if you look at both types of multiplication and division, the answers are different, and it makes sense because these arrays do not follow the commutative law when dealing with arrays. Mathematically,




    In addition to this, you must know that scaler arithmetic operations can be performed on the array that means, an integer or the float can be added, multiplied, divide and subtracted from the whole matrix, and the effect of that number will be observed on all the entries of that particular array.

    Maximum and Minimum of An Array

    The next operation in which we are interested in finding the maximum and minimum values in the array. These work great when dealing with image processing and related concepts. These are two different operations, and keep in mind, it seems easy to find the maximum and minimum values in the simple and small arrays, but when talking about the arrays with the order 1000*1000, it becomes almost impossible to find the required value. So without using more time, have a look at the code given next:

    The Syntax for Maximum and Minimum Value

    maximum_value=numPy.max(Name of the array)

    minimu_value=numPy.min(Nmae of the array)

    Code for Maximum and Minimum Value

    import numpy as NumPy

    #Declaring two arrays for the arithmetic operations.

    print("\bElements in arrays")


    print("A= \n", A)

    #Finding the maximum Value


    print("Maximum Value in array = ", maximum)

    #Finding the minimum Value


    print("Minimum Value in array = " ,minimum)


    Hence, as you can see, the maximum value occurs more than once in that array, but the compiler only gives us one value. The reason why I am mentioning it is that if NumPy is not used in this case and the programmer does not associate it with the array, the compiler throws the error that there must be another function that has to be used with your particular operation because it takes the array as a tuple. These small details are important to observe because many times, the programmers are stuck into such problems and do not get the reason behind the array. 

    Syntax of Determinant in NumPy

    Determinant=numPy.linalg.det(Name of array)


    import numpy as NumPy

    #Declaring two arrays for the arithmetic operations.

    print("\bElements in arrays")


    print("A= \n", A)

    #Getting the determinant of the array

    determinant =NumPy.linalg.det(A)



    If you are confused with the keyword that we have just used here, let me tell you that linalg is the method in Python that is associated with the determinant of the square array. In other words, as we have used ”random” with the rand function above, there must be the use of linalg with the det function. Moreover, never use these functions with other types of arrays. The determinant can only be used with the square matrix. 

    Hence, it is enough for today. We have seen a lot of information about the arrays in this lecture, and all of these were performed on the NumPy library. At the start, we saw the types of arrays that the programmers used often in the coding. After that, we saw the mathematical operations such as the arithmetic and general operations in the NumPy. We tried our best to use similar arrays for different operations to make the comparison in our minds. All of these were uncomplicated, and throughout this lecture, we revised the basic concepts of the matrices and arrays that we learned years ago during our early education of computers and mathematics.

    Installation and Functions of NumPy in Python

    Hey, peps! Welcome to the new tutorial on the Jupyter notebook. As we are moving towards a higher level of Python, therefore, it is important to understand other ways of doing the same task. As we read in the previous lecture about 2D arrays, this time it is going to be done with the help of a famous library in Python. This time, you are going to learn different, engaging, and advanced-level concepts that not only help you deal with the 2D array but also the installation and working of the unique library of Python, which is NumPy. This lecture is going to be very useful and interesting, and therefore, we suggest you have a glance at all the goals of this lecture.

    • Getting the introduction to NumPy

    • Successfully installation of NumPy and knowing different methods for it

    • Using the arrays with the help of NumPy

    • Creation, indexing, flattening, and appending of the arrays using NumPy

    • Knowing the different ways in detail to use these methods.

    All of these concepts will be clear to you, and we will move on to more details in the next lecture but for this lecture, it is important to learn the basics.

    What is NumPy?

    NumPy is a fantastic library for dealing with numeric data. You must know that a library in Python is a collection of modules that add functionality to a Python program. Libraries are typically distributed in the form of packages, which can be installed with package managers such as pip. If you remember, at the very first lecture of this course, we installed the packages by using pip. The same is the case with NumPy, and this will be clear in just a bit, but for now, you must know that they said that they could include modules that define functions, classes, and variables, as well as algorithms and other services.

    NumPy, Pandas, matplotlib, and sci-kit-learn are some of the most commonly used Python libraries. They can be used for a variety of tasks, including data analysis and visualization, machine learning, and web development. Python programmers can take advantage of pre-existing code by using libraries, which can save time and effort when compared to writing everything from scratch.

    "NumPy (Numerical Python) is a Python library that adds support for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, as well as a large collection of high-level mathematical functions for operating on these arrays."

    It is a fundamental Python package for scientific computing. The good thing here is, Python provides programmers with several ways to perform the same task so that every person may use the best way according to the requirements and expertise of the programmers. In the previous lecture, a simple method was used to perform the two-dimensional arrays, but you must know that NumPy is the second way to do so, which is the reason why we arranged this lecture.

    Installation of NumPy in Python

    Here comes the action. We are going to work with NumPy, and therefore, the installation process is necessary. The good news is, the programmers do not have to follow the prerequisites when you need to install the NumPy but only Python is enough. So if you are following our previous course, you are good to go with the Numpy. There are two ways to install NumPy:

    1. Installation with the Conda (Advanced level)

    2. Installation with the pip (Beginner’s level)

    Difference between Conda and Pip



    It is preferred by professional programmers.

    It is best for the students and learners. 

    It is a cross-language therefore, it can install non-python tools and libraries such as compilers and CUDA.

    It only installs the particular Python on the system. It can not install other libraries rather than Python.

    The source through which the conda installs libraries is its own channel so the resources are owned by the conda itself for the installation. Examples of the channels are defaults and conda-forge. 

    The installation is done from the Python Packaging Index (PyPI). Here it is important to understand that PyPI is the largest collection of packages and therefore, it has many features that create ease for Python programmers. 

    Conda is considered an integrated solution that is used to manage different types of dependencies and environments. It does not need other tools to manage the packages. 

    pip method has to get help from different types of tools to manage and arrange the dependencies and packages.

    Installation of NumPy Using Conda

    Installation with the help of Conda also has different types of methods and for the convenience of all types of users, we are discussing all the basic instructions here.

    The best practice for such installations is to use an environment. It means, instead of using the “install” method, the programmers will create the new environment.

    conda create -n my-env

    Once the environment is created, it's time to activate that particular environment.

    conda activate my-env

    Another option to perform the same option is to use conda-forge. Many professional programmers prefer this method because conda-forge provides a wide range of software packages, and in our case, NumPy is one of them. If you want to install from conda-forge then the following command is needed:

    conda config --env --add channels conda-forge

    The methods given above were a little bit tricky, and if the programmer prefers the simplest way, then they must only write the command given next:

    conda install numpy

    Pip Method for the NumPy

    Now, for the installation process at the beginner level, you have to follow the steps listed next. You have to understand that it is recommended to be at this level because all the requirements of this course are designed according to easy and effective ways to code. Hence, the steps given next are enough for all of you:

    • In the window’s search panel, write the Anaconda prompt.

    • Here, write the following command:

    pip install numpy

    • Wait for the installation and loading of the library on your personal computer. 

    • Now, to check if your NumPy is working well, go to your Jupyter Notebook.

    • For this, fire up your Jupyter Notebook by searching for it in your window applications. 

    • Go to the new Python project and wait for the new tab to be opened in your browser.

    Note: It is essential to notice that every time the programmers want to use Numpy, they have to import it into the code, and that is the first step of every program where the programmer needs to get help from NumPy. 

    Using the Arrays with NumPy

    The typical easy-to-deal-with arrays are similar when we talk about the Jupyter notebook and MATLAB etc. Yet, with the advancement of techniques, better and updated methods have been introduced. The NumPy is a numeric library and to learn its usage, the best way is to deal with the arrays. We hope you know the basics of arrays and their fundamental information; therefore, we are directly starting the practice of arrays. In this way, the students will learn the details of 2D arrays and NumPy side by side. 

    Creating 2D Array Using NumPy

    Creating the array is as simple as what the students have seen in the previous lecture. All the steps are easy, and the comments explain the function of each line.

    #importing the numpy

    import numpy as numPy

    #creating the new array from the imported NumPy library

    myArray = numPy.array([[34,8,12,4],[90,5,12,78]])

    #printing result

    print("The 2D array \n ", myArray)

    The output of this code is as expected:

    Getting Basic Information of Array with NumPy

    If you want to make an array automatically with the minimal information provided by you, then it can be done with the help of NumPy (such as declaring the shape and size of the array). There are other ways to do so, but using NmuPy gives the programmers relief. It is because NumPy has built-in functions; they just have to associate their array with that particular function and get the desired output. 

    #importing the numpy

    import numpy as numPy

    #creating the new array from the imported NumPy library

    #using the reshape and arrange functions

    myArray = numPy.arange(9).reshape(3,3)

    #printing the result

    print("The 2D array \n ", myArray)


    Here, the important points to be noticed are

    • The arrange function is used to provide information about the total number of elements in the array. But this must be declared by keeping the shape of the array in mind. 

    • The reshape method has the following syntax:

    reshape(numbers of rows, number of columns)

    • The total number of elements must match the shape so that the compiler may arrange the numbers easily; otherwise, the programmer observes the error. 

    • All of the information is connected with the dot operator in the code. 

    • The values in both these functions are enclosed in parentheses.

    • The arrangement of both functions is important because if the reshape method comes before the arrange method, there will be a long list of errors and the program will not run.

    Indexing and Flattening Using NumPy

    The indeed method is not new to us. We all know that the index always starts at zero. But in the case, we are discussing, one must know that when an array is declared, the index is not for only the elements but for the whole set of the row. 

    Moreover, flatting is a special method in NumPy in which the output of the resultant elements in an array is not shown in the form of brackets and single rows, but the programmer gets the real form of the array that we have used in our mathematics and other cases of the array. If these two are not clear to you now, do not worry because after looking at the code given next, all things will be clear.

    #importing the numpy library

    import numpy as numPy

    #declaring my array


    #using the flatten function


    print("The array is now = ", output)

    #using the index method to get the third-row


    print("The third row= ", a)

    The output of this program is given next:

    Hence, in this way, we have learned two functions in one code. Here you must know that there are many simple and important concepts about arrays. If we start discussing them in separate codes, then it will become boring and lengthy to learn the small functions and methods. 

    Appending the Elements in Array 

    Once the array is declared, the elements can then be modified. This concept is not applicable to other programming languages, such as C++. Yet, Python gives us this convenience, which is useful for programmers. The appending method is simple and easy, and this code will justify this:

    #importing the numpy library

    import numpy as numPy

    #declaring my array


    print("\bThe array before appending  \n", myArray )

    #declaring the second array to be appended


    #appending the second array with the first one and printing the result

    print("\bThe result of two matrices \n ", numPy.append(myArray,myArray2,axis=1))

    Hence, both of these arrays are merged by simply appending them to each other. Moreover, the “axis=1” instruction tells the compiler that the rows of both of these arrays are to be joined in the respective manner; otherwise, the whole array is fixed after the second one. You should check it on yourself.

    Consequently, we have learned a lot today. From the introduction of NumPy to the installation of this library, all the steps were discussed here in detail. Moreover, this library was tested by using the array in different ways, such as creating, changing the dimensions, indexing, flattening, and appending the elements. All of these concepts were discussed thoroughly, and there are many more operations on the arrays. Hence, stay with us for more details in the next lecture.

    List of Python Libraries: That You Must Know

    Hello students! We hope you are enjoying learning Python, and therefore, we are moving forward with the advanced level of Python. For this, you have to keep in mind that you are moving towards complex codes, and therefore, you have to get ready for expert-level problems. Do not worry, we are not going to leave you alone with these complex codes; rather, we are discussing the amazing and interesting libraries in Python so that your work may be done with the pre-defined codes and applications so you get amazing results by following simple operations and statements. If it is confusing for you right now, do not worry. Have a look at the topics that you will learn about today, and after that, we will move towards the details:

    • What is meant by a library in programming languages?

    • List some of the important libraries that are related to Python.

    • Why learning the introduction of important Python libraries is essential for developers and engineers?

    • Give us a short introduction of libraries that are specific to some fields and playing important role in the popularity enhancement of Python as a programming language.

    • Why most of the libraries are specific for neural networks, machine learning and related fields?

    What is a Library in Python?

    We all know the proper meaning of the generic name of a library. It is a collection of books of a different kind in a single building. There are different kinds of books that are related to each other but are different in their content and types. The reason why we are discussing this here is, the libraries of Python, or simply any other programming language, can be defined as:

    "In programming languages, a library is a collection of gigantic pre-compiled and pre-defined code that makes the programming more efficient, simple, and interesting."

    Not only the codes, but the libraries also contain the documentation, message templates, configuration data, etc. In this way, we get the proper package that now only gives us unique outcomes, but these libraries are very specific to their related fields, and therefore, there is no need to have knowledge about all the applications of Python; one or more specific libraries for a specific field are enough.

    The good thing about the Python libraries is that they are similar to other entities, such as methods; that is, they make us comfortable reusing the same code again and again with the help of simple commands. Python has been at the top of the programming language for years, and therefore, there are many communities that are working on it and have useful and fantastic features and workings in their company that give motivation to beginners.

    The role of Python libraries is remarkable, given their popularity and the number of people working in the fields of data science, deep learning, machine learning, and related concepts. People are interested in the workings of these libraries, and therefore, every year, more and more findings in these fields are obtained using these libraries.

    Python Standard Libraries

    Let us tell you more about the libraries so that you may understand them better. Python libraries are written in the same syntax as Python semantics, tokens, and syntax. It is surprising to note that most of the Python libraries are written in C language. More than 200 core modules can be used in the Python standard libraries, and this makes Python a terrifically interesting and complex programming language because the programmer has the greed to use more and more features if he is crazy about it.

    Without the standard libraries, any programming language is not that efficient, and therefore, we are emphasizing the importance of these libraries. You do not have to know all of these at once, but at this level, we will recommend that you know some very important standard libraries that all Python programmers must know. So here is the introduction of some very essential Python libraries with a very short introduction and the speciality of the related field. 

    TensorFlow for Python

    No matter which tutorial you follow, the most remarkable Python library is TensorFlow. At this level, we hope that you know about it or have heard its name. The base of this library is found in Google because it was introduced by Google for numerical analysis and machine learning applications. The basic purpose of TensorFlow is to train machine learning and deep learning models and not only this but also helps to deploy these models on different platforms such as CPUs (Central Processing Units), GPU( Graphic Processing Units), or TPU( Tensor Processing Units), where the last one is special for the numerical analysis of the machine and deep learning methods. The good thing about this library is its flexible architecture and you will be amazed to see it works.

    NumPy for Python

    It is one of the most common libraries that is used for numerical analysis, and therefore, the name stands for Numerical Python. This one is also for machine learning applications and is perfect for large-sized matrices and a great amount of data in the multi-dimensional data processing. For easy computation, the built-in mathematical functions are ideal. 

    The importance of NumPy can be understood by the fact that even powerful libraries such as TensorFlow use NumPy internally to perform the computation with the tensors. Another feature that must be mentioned here is the array interface.  

    Panda for Python

    If your aim is to be a data scientist, then this library is a must-have skill for you. If we talk about machine learning, this library provides professionals with a high-level data structure along with analysis tools for data manipulation and cleaning. The basic operations on data such as indexing, re-indexing concatenation, segregation of data, etc can be done with the help of this data science library. This library functions similarly to NumPy, and the programmers can get a highly responsive data structure using the fantastic features that make it the best tool for solving real-life problems.

    PyTourch Library for Python

    If you are interested in the computation of tensors in machine learning, then you cannot ignore Pytourch. It is the largest machine-learning library that works for tensor computation and, with strong GPU acceleration, the rich collection of APIs of PyTourch. In solving the complex issues in neural networks, Pytourch has amazing solutions. For the developers of GPU acceleration, PyTourch gives built-in support and therefore, they observe the remarkable speed, efficiency, and working in their field. 

    SciPy Library for Python

    The full name of SciPy is Scientific Python, which is an open-source library for scientific computation at a high level. Keep in mind, this is an extension of NumPy, and it is used to deal with complex computational problems with simple commands. You can think of the sorting and indexing of the data as the specialities of SciPy. Most of the developers and engineers know the workings of Scipy, and it gives you a big setup as compared to using NumPy alone. 

    We have seen that SciPy is more famous for research purposes, and it also offers a C++ interface. Not only with Numpy, but you can have the pair of SciPy with other libraries as well, and it is the favourite library of engineers and developers.

    Keras Library for Python

    The next library we are discussing is Keras, and  Francois Chollet introduced this library as a powerful tool and flexible API by which deep learning and neural networks are dealt with. To reduce the cognitive load on the processors, Keras is designed simpler yet it gives the programmers the perfect working all the time. 

    When dealing with the deep neural network, GPUs are used for better performance, and Keras helps the developers effortlessly scale the models. If you are interested in building model prototypes quickly, then you should have Keras, because no matter if you are interested in the web browser, iOS, embedded devices, or any other platform, Keras shows impressive deployment capabilities. 

    PyGame Library for Python

    If you are a game lover or want to develop games, then this library is for you. For some people, PyGame is the most popular library in Python because the developers know the importance of this magical library. You will find it at the top of SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer), and the reason behind this is, it provides low-level access to computer hardware such as keyboards, mice, etc. and graphic units such as GPUs via OpenGL and Direct3D.

    PyGame is amazing because it makes industry-standard games so that people can use them as a profession. In simple words, Pygame is a cross-platform that offers developers tons of interesting features through which they can develop games efficiently and with less effort. It makes it easy to have the optimized code, so it is easy to understand. Moreover, it supports a multi-core system that makes the code portable for the convenience of the game developers.

    Metaplotlib For Python

    Coming back to the numerical data, those who have a large amount of data and want to plot them with minimum effort must install Metaplotlib. Hundreds of companies are using this library because it let the user visualize the data in several ways. Some of the very common uses of this library are histograms, tables, and different types of charts such as bar charts, pie charts, etc. 

    The good thing about this library is, it is not just restricted to static visualization, but the experts are working deeply with it to get creative and interactive animations with hard work. Another plus point that must be discussed here is that these give fully customizable results that seem great and can be used with other applications.

    PyBrain Library for Python

    The name of this library stands for Python Based Reinforcement Learning, and it is a special library for neural networks and artificial intelligence. It is a perfect library for beginners because it is an open-source library, and its easy-to-use algorithm makes it perfect for those who want to get started with learning. Its flexible structure is quickly understood. We recommend this library to those researchers who want to learn the skills and workings of many different fields, including machine learning.

    This library has a nice repetition in the student community because artificial intelligence and deep learning are leading fields in many pieces of research, yet not all people are experts in them. In many researches, there is no need to be an expert; the beginner level is more than enough. In such cases, the simplicity and ease of such libraries are a blessing.

    The list of Python libraries does not end here, but some others worth discussing are:

    • Scikit-Learn

    • scrappy

    • LightGBM

    • Bottle

    • Tkinter

    • Eli5

    • Django

    • MoviePy

    • NLTK

    • Open CV

    • Pillow

    • Peewee

    • Beautiful Soup

    • PyQt

    • Pytest

    All of these are important in specific fields, and you will notice that most of these are specifically optimized for neural networks, artificial intelligence, deep learning, machine learning, etc because these are emerging fields and Python is the most suitable language for these fields. There is so much to talk about in every single library, and you will learn it soon in the coming lectures.

    Thus, we saw many useful topics today, and we can say that every library had great value in the information. We started this lecture with an introduction to libraries and kept the compatibility of Python in mind with that introduction. After that, we started introducing the important libraries that every Python programmer must know. It is not necessary that you learn all of these, and it is not wrong to say that a single person cannot be an expert in all these libraries, but the point that we want to make here is that Python is an extremely interesting and useful programming language, and if you want to learn it, you must know the scope of this magical programming language. We will write tutorials on these libraries and their projects in the next lectures, so stay with us for more detailed information about libraries.

    While Loop and its Statements in Python

    Greeting learners! Welcome to the new tutorial on Python, where we are going to discuss the loops. In the previous lecture, our focus was on the primary introduction of the loops in Python. If you are from a programming background, you must know that there is a little bit of difference between the loops in Python and those in other programming languages. At the end of the previous lecture, we saw the details of the basic differences and examined why we consider Python better than other languages when considering loops. In the current lecture, our focus is only on the while loop, and you will get to know its importance soon when we discuss the detail of this loop. But before this, have a look at the list of the major concepts:

    • What are the loops?

    • Why do we use the while loop in Python?

    • What are some major points that must be known about the while loop in Python?

    • Can we use the loops while designing the games?

    • What is the concept of statements in Python?

    • How do break statements work in Python?

    • What do you know about the continue statement in Python?

    • What does the else statement do in Python when we use it with the while loop?

    All of these are important interview questions and we will find the answer to each and every concept in detail with the example. We have been working with the Jupyter Notebook and therefore, we are again using it for the practical implementation of the concepts of the current lecture. So let’s move towards the first concept.

    Why Do We use While Loop in Python?

    While loop is one of the most common loops in programming languages and if we talk about Python, loops have fundamental importance and while loop is the favorite of many programmers. No one can get excellence in programming in Python without knowing the detail of the loops in it. The reason why we are learning it so deeply is, there is a bit of difference between Python loops and other programming languages. We discussed it in the previous lecture. There are different reasons behind this statement, and some of them are explained next:

    Repeating Action in While Loop

    As all the loops do, the while loop repeats itself until a certain condition is satisfied. There is no restriction on the data type in the loop, which means, no matter if you have sequences, strings, integers, or other data types, you can use the while loop anywhere. This gives the programmer the independence to use it in a versatile way by using their creativity. Moreover, keep in mind the condition where the programmer wants to get input from the user after a certain condition is met in the code. In such cases, a while loop is perfect to use, and the restriction can be applied to the input as well. 

    While Loop on Sequence of Unknown Length

    The idea of the condition is so smooth in the while loop that it becomes interesting to use the sequences in the while loop. In some cases, when the length of the sequence is not known, programmers can use the sequence in the while loop to get the required result. In this way, the compiler keeps iterating the sequence until a certain condition is met. 

    Gaming and While Loop

    Have you ever noticed the condition of a game where the sequence of certain objects keeps on moving in a specific sequence? This happens when the loops are used with special planning, and the while loop is one of those loops that provide the perfect results according to the needs of the program. In the simulations where a certain condition is to be fulfilled, the need for the while loop is always felt. 

    In addition, when the need to fulfil a certain condition is felt, a loop can be used, and the compiler uses the condition again and again until the requirements are met; once the mission is completed, the game is then over. This is the very basic idea that how programmers use while looping in gaming, there are many innovations every year where programmers use the loops in a different way to present interesting results. All the discussion can be proved with the help of the example in the jupyter notebook:


    #initializing the while loop with the true condition

    while True:

    #providing the first condition 


    #using the integers as the condition

            number = int(input("Enter the age of your character: "))

    #if the condition is satisfied, the program is terminated


    #if the condition is not true, throw the error

        except ValueError:

    #printing the error message

            print("The input is not correct, enter only the integers")



    Once you have seen the working of the code, you might be thinking, "What happens at the backend?" This example is chosen here to tell you that not all conditions of the loops use a comparison between two things only. We can use the boolean conditions as well to get the required output. If you have seen the simple examples of the while loops, then you must be wondering about the output of this program. You can see that the compiler first gives an error when the input does not meet the requirements of the program.

    If the user does not give the expected data type for the program, the compiler goes out of the loop and ignores the break statement. In the second part of the program, the compiler goes to the except value and prints the error message that tells the details of the expected input. In this way, the user understands the requirements in detail, and the program does not end, but the iteration is continued until a certain result is obtained. 

    Python Statements in While Loop 

    In the while loop, there is the ability to use statements of various types, one of which you have just seen. Yet, for the convenience of the learners, we are discussing all the categories in detail. Each of the types has its own example in the Jupyter notebook. To open this, have a look at the steps given next:

    • In your Windows search bar, go and search for "Jupyter Notebook.”

    • Wait until it opens a new tab in your browser. 

    • Once the tab is opened, go to the dialogue box and open a new Python project. 

    • It will open a new tab with the cells where you can write your code.

    Break Statement in While Loop

    In the while loop, the break statement is used many times. As the name suggests, the break statement breaks the iteration, and the compiler stops executing the program as soon as it passes through the break statement. No matter if the body of the code still has to be executed, if the break statement appears in the code, the compiler stops working. Therefore, programmers use the break statement when they have more than one case and just want to execute the one that suits the condition. There are certain benefits to this statement, and one of these is, it gives the programmer all the long codes at once. Here is an example of a break statement in a while loop:”


    #Initializing the variable

    a = 4

    #Starting a while loop

    while a <= 12:

    #Printing the required output that we want on the screen

      print(a, ":I am a Programmer of Python")

    #Using the if loop to provide the condition to the compiler for break statement

      if a == 9:



      a += 1


    Discussion on the Code:

    It may seem that the code has some unusual things in it such as the starting point is from 4 instead of 1. This is the way to give you the concept that the starting point is not always zero. It totally depends on the choice of the programmer according to the requirements of the program. Once the variable is declared, the while loop is started, where the maximum number of iterations is shown. Right after declaring the condition, the results are printed.

    For the convenience of the reader, I have shown the number of the iteration so that one may understand the whole scenario. Here, to use the break statement, I have shown you the “if” loop. In this way, the compiler understands that whenever the iteration number is 9, it has to stop and jump to the next line instead of completing the iteration. Therefore, after the 9th iteration, the compiler is not showing us any results. 

    Another thing to notice is, the value of “a” is 4 at the start, but after every iteration, the compiler checks for the value when it is at the last line, and then it sees that the value of “a” is now one number greater, and therefore, the next iteration starts. 

    Continue Statement in While Loop 

    If you have understood the previous case, then this one is like a piece of cake because we can say that the working of the continuous statement is somehow opposite to the break statement. 


    #Initializing the variable

    a = 0

    #Starting a while loop

    while a <= 12:

      a += 1

    #Using the if loop to provide the condition to the compiler for the continue statement

      if a == 3:


    #Printing the required output that we want on the screen

      print(a,"I am using the continue statement")



    The other pieces of code are the same, but you can see there is a bit of difference in the position of some lines. If you have observed this, then you are on point. The iteration is done in   the body of the while loop, and right after this, we are using the “if” condition. In the output, observe that the third number of iterations is missing, and this is because we told the compiler to jump whenever the iteration is at the third position. Once the iteration is ignored, the print operation gives us the output on the screen, where our value of the variable and the message on the screen are printed. 

    else Statement in While Loop

    The third and last statement of today is the else statement, and this is quite similar to the cases given above. The else statement has the power to show the result once the condition is no longer true. It means that it can be the ending message that we want to print until the condition is satisfied. As a result, we get two blocks of the code at once that can be printed using the same code. 


    #Initializing the variable

    a = 0

    #Starting a while loop

    while a <= 12:

    #Printing the required output that we want on the screen

       print(a,"I am using the continue statement")


       a +=1

    #Using the else statement to tell the user that the condition is satisfied


        print("The condition is satisfied")



    Here, you can see we are getting a continuous stream of the output where every number of the variable is being used. It is because there were no distractions for the compiler in the code within the while loop. Once we have used it to show that all the iterations are done, the compiler then jumps to the else statement, which tells us the final words of the code.

    In the end, we can say that today we have learned a lot about the statements used with the while loop in Python, and with the help of examples, the concept is not completely clear. The focus was on the while loop, but using the example of the statements, we understood how we could get the perfect result by merging the concepts of loops and statements in Python. From the introduction to the ending, the discussion was clear about the loops, and we took care of the minor details as well to know best about the while loop. It was an informative lecture, and in the next lecture, we have to know more about loops in Python, so stay tuned with us and be happy with the practice. 

    Loops in Python using Jupyter Notebook

    Greetings Learners! Welcome to the new lecture on Python. Today we are moving towards an interesting and important concept. If you have come from a programming background, then you must know about the workings of loops. To make the repetition of the same sequence, we use loops. We are familiar with the sequences in detail as we have learned them in the previous lectures and have received the concept in the recent lecture. If you want to be a programmer, then you can not move forward without a solid base of loops; therefore, in this lecture, we will learn the concept of loops from scratch and then go on to a deep understanding of each loop in the next episodes. So have a look at the concepts that you will learn today.

    • What are the loops?

    • How do we understand the concept of loops from scratch?

    • What are some conditions of the loops that we have to understand before programming in loops?

    • What are the two basic types of loops in Python?

    • Discuss the syntax and types of loops.

    • What is the speciality of the while loop?

    • Why do we prefer the for loop when dealing with for loops?

    • What are the major differences that make Python better at looping than other types of programming languages?

    Each of these is an important interview question, and will we explore the answers of every question mentioned above. In this lecture, the use of Jupyter notebook is not much but for the practicle implementations, this lecture is very important so let us start finding the answers of each question that we have just read now.

    Introduction to Loops in Python

    In programming languages, loops are the repetition of the same concept, again and again, to get the required output according to the requirements of the programmer. In other programming languages, there are many types of loops, and programmers use them in different ways. Usually, it has been observed that the programmer uses the same kind of loop most of the time that he finds useful or has a good grasp on the concept of a particular type of loop. Loops are defined as:

    "Loops are a fundamental control structure in programming that allows you to execute a set of instructions repeatedly until a certain condition is met."

    These are extremely useful to execute the conditions and calculations. The working of loops may be different, and the difference in the syntax is an important thing to be noticed, but keep in mind that the output of the loops is almost the same. No matter which type of loop the programmer uses, the output remains the same, just as at the backend, the working and the logic are the same. 

    How Do Loops Work in Python

    When you are going to learn the loops, many people ignore the first step, which is to understand how the loops work at the backend of the code. We are not going into details about how the compiler executes the instruction, but just the steps that have to be followed by the compiler when the user runs the loop. Here are three basic steps:

    Checking the Condition

    Checking for the condition created by the programmer. The user always gives the condition at the start of the loop so that the compiler may understand whether the given loop is possible to execute or not. One must keep in mind that the compiler works with the general truths and facts of the real world. It means that if the programmer, say, tells the compiler that 2 is more significant than 10,000, the compiler will reject the condition.

    Making the condition is the most important part of the loop for the programmer, and this is the only step where, if you have a strong base in the concept, the programming will become easy for you. This is the only step that will surely run in the loop no matter what condition the programmer applies. It is usually a single line of code, but it is crucial. 

    Execute the Body

    Once the condition is satisfied, the body of the code is executed. This is the main step where you will see if you are successful in the loop or not. Once the condition is met and the outcome is true, the compiler enters the body of the loop specified by the programmer and gives the output. Most of the time, the programmer wishes that the condition becomes true, so the remaining code gets the attention of the compiler. 

    The whole processing is done in the body, and the compiler can give more than one true condition according to the type of condition and other requirements. 

    It is true that programmers created unusual and amazing products, but there is a limitation that the fact is never ignored. The programmers use the facts in a better way by using their creativity, which results in perfect outputs. 

    Coming Out of the Loop

    It is obvious that many times, the condition is turned false, and then the compiler simply ignores the body and jumps out of the code. This will only happen if the condition is not satisfied, and this step is not connected with the one that we have just discussed. The detail of each of the steps can be understood by observing the flowchart of the loops given next.

    Types of Loops in Python

    In other programming languages, such as C++ and C#, there are many types of loops. However, in Python, there are primarily two types of loops, each of which has subtypes. In this lecture, you will understand the basic introduction to both of these, and after that, we will move towards the deep concepts and examples of these loops. So, at the most basic level, we can see that there are two types of loops in Python:

    • While loop

    • For loop

    An introduction to both of them is given next.

    While Loop in Python

    The while loop starts with the keyword "while” and then the condition is written so that the compiler can check the condition and then execute the statements written after it accordingly. We introduce the while loop as:

    “In programming, the while loop is one of the fundamental types of the loops in which the condition and the statement are the necessary parts of the syntax”

    The condition is checked at the start of each iteration, and if it is still true, the loop executes, and this cycle continues until the condition is found to be true. The syntax of a while loop is given next:

    Syntax of the While Loop:

    while condition


    As you can see, the condition is always given first, and the number of statements may vary according to the complexity of the program. 

    Types of While Loop in Python

    If the concept is taken to a deeper level, we will see that while a loop is a simple type of looping in Python, it has further subtypes, and the names of these are

    1. Infinite loop

    2. Else statement

    3. Single statement while loop

    The details and examples of each of them will be discussed in the next lecture. 

    For Loop in Python

    The for loop is the basic type of looping, and usually, I find it more convenient to use it. Iterations are usually used with the sequence, where the elements of the sequence are repeated again and again. To control the number of iterations, the programmer sets a condition with the “for” keyword, where the compiler always checks the condition and decides whether it has to enter the body or not. Just like the while loop, it can also have more than one statement, and the control is totally in the hands of the programmer.

    Syntax of For Loop in Python

    For iterator in sequence:


    Here, you have to understand some concepts:

    • “For” is the keyword that initiates the loop and tells the compiler to work according to the information fed into the backend. 

    • An iterator can be thought of just like the variable name and the programmer may call it anything according to his choice. Let us say, if it is a, then he will call it in the statement with the same name.

    • “In” keywords specify that the name of the iterator is now ended and the compiler is now entering into the sequence. 

    • The sequence may be of any type no matter if it is a tuple, array, or list. The good thing about for loop is, it is associated with the sequences and according to the requirement, the programmers can access each and every member of the sequence without making much effort. 

    • Statements may be one or more and it is important that every word of the sequence is correct so that the compiler will execute the instruction and then move towards the for keyword to check the condition again. 

    Difference Between Python Loops with Other Languages

    From the beginning, we have been saying that Python is simpler than other languages. Moreover, there are other characteristics that make it unique and better. As we are studying the loops so I have made a little comparison between the loops of Python with other programming languages.


    Name of the Loop


    Other Programming Languages


    For loop

    In Python, the for loop is more versatile because it gives the independence to use any data type whether it is numeric of the string, list, or tuple 

    The other programming languages deal with the for loop in just a number of way. It means only the integers are allowed to feed into the for loop of other programming languages. 


    Range function in for loop

    The range function is used in collaboration with the for loop. In Python, it is more concise and dealing with the range function in Python is easier than in other languages, 

    In other programming languages, the range function is less concise. The programmers can also use the same function in other languages as well, but dealing with this function is more difficult than in Python. 


    While loop

    The while loop in Python is almost the same as the other languages, but the syntax is different.

    In other programming languages, the while loop works the same as the Python as at the backend, the conditions and workings are the same. 


    Break loop

    Only syntax is different

    Only syntax is different



    It is an important point about Python that makes it unique among others. The identifier is mandatory at some points in Python loops, but in some areas, the unnecessary indentation causes the error. 

    The spaces and indentations in other programming languages do not result in any change in the output of the compiler. 

    Hence, by using these points, we can conclude that, like every programming language, Python also has many features that make it unique. The loops are more specific and more interesting in Python than in other programming languages, but we have less variety in the loops in Python. 

    The range function and other functions that have been mentioned above will be discussed with you in detail in the next episode of this lecture. Till then, let us revise the concepts that we have discussed. The concept of loops is important in Python,n and there are only two major types of loops that we have also introduced. The subtypes of these loops also exist. The working of the loops is easy in Python, and we have seen that not all loops have the same syntax, but the differing syntax is important as it differentiates the languages just like other syntaxes. There are three basic steps that are followed by the loops and while constructing the loops, these steps must be cleared in your mind. This was all for today, and in the next episode, you will see the practical implementations of the loops in Python one after the other. Then, try to practice these concepts and keep learning.

    Built-in String Functions & Methods in Python

    Hi learners! Welcome to the next episode of learning the arrays using string data. We have been working with the arrays and in the previous lecture, we saw the interesting characteristics of the string arrays. In the present lecture, our target is to get knowledge about the built-in functions and we will take the strings in the array so that we may know about both of them together. String arrays are used in many officials uses and therefore, we want to use the built-in functions that every Python programmer must know. Here is the list of the concepts that will be polished in this lecture:

    • What are the built-in methods?

    • How do you differentiate between methods and functions in programming?

    • Give different examples to understand different built-in methods to be used in the same code.

    • How do Jupyet notebook use the copy(), clear(), Insert (), Index(), reverse(), range(), and sort() function in Python on the string array?

    • How do these functions are related to the working of simple string messages?

    For the convenience of the students, we will refresh some important concepts in our mind side by side and whenever required, we will provide the necessary details about the working of the particular method. All these methods have been introduced in Python for a better user experience. One must notice that the same work is also done in other programming languages but Python gives us an uncomplicated way to use them.

    Difference between Methods and Functions

    Programming is a vast subject and if programmers start making short programs again and again when required, the programming process becomes boring and time taking. For this, the programming languages have built-in methods and functions to be used by simply mentioning them in a specific syntax. Normally, people seem confused between these two because the working and syntax of both of these look alike. So, let's discuss some minor differences between these two.



    A function is a piece of code that can be reused. It can operate on input data (i.e. arguments), and it can also return data by having a return type.

    A method is associated with the objects with which it is being used.

    It is independent.

    It depends upon the object’s name and requires a reference. 

    It is related to the procedural or functional programming language.

    It is related the object-oriented programming concepts. 

    The data passes explicitly or at the external level. 

    The data in the method is passed internally. 

    The working of both of these is similar as the programmer has to input the required data and both of these, after their specific operations, provide the required output as expected.

    Built-in Method Used with String Arrays

    There are certain methods for the arrays and related concepts that are defined by the Python programming language, but to understand them, we are using the arrays with the string values in them. The method makes the coding easy to use and without knowing them, it is not possible to get the perfect result for a complex task. This will be clear with the help of examples of each of them. A list of such methods is given next:

    1. clear()

    2. copy()

    3. extend()

    4. count()

    5. insert()

    6. index()

    7. Reverse()

    8. Sort()

    Here, we want to compare these functions with some of those that are discussed before in this series. So, let’s move towards the first example:

    Copy() and Clear() in Python

    If you are interested in programming, you must know to copy the code from one place to another so that you may test it more accurately and produce the better one by using your concepts. By the same token, another method that is important is clear() which is used to clear the memory area where the array is being stored. In this way, the programmer gets the empty space. For convenience, we are using these two in a single code:


    #initializing the array containing the name of programming languages

    languages=["C++", "C#", "MATLAB", "ASP.NET", "Flutter"]

    print("The original array= " ,languages)

    #copying the contents and printing the same results


    print("The copied array = " ,Languages)

    #clear the whole array and printing the results


    print("The clear array= ", languages)


    Here, it is important to notice the difference between the clear() and remove(). The clear() causes the empty locations in the array no matter what the size of an array is whereas, in the remove method, the whole array was removed and the compiler throws the error about the existence of that particular array. In other words, the compiler, after the clear() gives you the chance to add the new data of your own choice and you can think that the container of the element is empty but still, we have that container and can fill the data according to our will. 

    Extend() and Cout() Method in Python

    The next methods that we are going to discuss are fun to perform. In the previous lecture, we saw the append method, and this time the same task will be performed with the help of another method called extend(). As the name suggests, this function extends the length of the array by adding another array or extra item to it. The modification of the array is an important feature of Python, and practically, it seems like a blessing in some cases. 

    The other method that will you see in the code is the count(). It counts the frequency of the mentioned item in the data type, and in our case, we are using it to compare the frequency of the “flutter” before and after the extended array. The element may be any, and the programmer simply has to input it into the method to get the frequency. In programs with a large amount of data where the array or list has 1000+ or even more items, the count() method is a blessing. 


    #initializing the array containing the name of programming languages

    languages=["C++", "C#", "MATLAB", "ASP.NET", "Flutter"]

    print("The original array= ",languages)


    print("Numbers of an element before extending =",result)

    #extending the array of string

    arrayToBeExtend=["java", "javascript", "Flutter"]


    print("The extended array= ",languages)


    print("Numbers of element before extending =",result)


    Insert() and Index() in Python

    The next methods to be discussed are the insert and index methods in Python, and we are expecting that you understand the working of these methods. As in the previous cases, the name exactly matches the working name of the method. 


    #Decalring the array with strings

    myStationary=["Notebook", "Pencil", "Erasor", "Pointer", "Papers", "Duster"]

    print("Stationaries before insertion= ", myStationary)

    #Getting the index of Erasor before insertion


    print("Index of Erasor" ,a)

    #inserting the new eleemnt at index 2


    print("Stationaries after insertion= ", myStationary)

    #Getting the index of Erasor before insertion


    print("Index of Erasor" ,a)


    In the program given above, we have seen that the list of stationary contained the specific numbers of the elements, out of which, the index of the eraser was 2 at first, but after the addition of the new element, the index function tells us the 3 index number. 

    Reverse() and Range() in Python

    Now, we are moving towards the situation where we will play with our array. It is interesting to notice that we can retrieve the data in different ways from a single array. Let’s say, the programmer wants results in which the order of the elements in an array is reversed. No matter what the length of the array is, the reverse() method creates the mirror image of the array and represents it. This is important in the field of image processing, where we can invert the images in a simple way. 

    On the other side, the range function gives us the elements in a specific length of the array according to our needs. We have been using this in the previous examples in this course, but this time, we are specifying the range() method. It is a professional way to do so. The logic behind this is not compulsory to understand; therefore, to make things simple, we are not going into detail. Have a look at the code where we are using both of these methods. 


    #Declaring the array

    myDishes=["chow mien", "sandwiches", "rice", "butter puffs","pizza","meat balls", "rolls",  "momos", "patties", "chicken", "coffee cake", "wings"]

    print("\bThe array before reversing= ", myDishes)

    #Reversing the whole array using the reverse method.


    print("\bThe array after reversing= ", myDishes)

    #Using the range method to get the elements

    print("\bThe element from 3rd to 8th position are myDishes", myDishes[3:8])


    Here, the interesting thing is, just like we used the same method in the previous lecture when we were using the same procedure on the simple string, this time, we have used it on the whole array of the string, and the outcomes are perfect. The programmer can easily get the part of the array they only want and perform different operations on that certain list. 

    Moreover, the reverse function is also useful in many places, as we have discussed before. The transformation of the array is not just limited to the strings, and in this way, the numbers, when used in the array, can be inverted in their prepositions and useful results can be obtained. 

    Sorting of String Array 

    We believe that you are from a programming background, and if you are from a C++ background, then you must have experience with the sorting of an array. We define the sorting process as:

    "The sorting of the data is defined as the technique to rearrange the elements in a particular order or manner according to the needs of the data."

    Hence, as you can see, there are different ways of sorting, but here, we are using the sorting method that arranges the elements of the string array in alphabetical order. This type of sorting follows the ascending order of the alphabet, and as an example of the reverse method, we will use the sorted array in reverse to get the new array with the descending order of the string array.

    Code for Sorting String Array:

    #Declaring the array

    myDishes=["chow mien", "sandwiches", "rice", "butter puffs", "pizza",

              "meat balls", "rolls",  "momos", "patties", "chicken", "coffee cake", "wings"]

    print("\bThe array before sorting= ", myDishes)

    #sorting the whole array using the sort method.


    print("\bThe array after sorting= ", myDishes)

    #Reversing the whole array using the reverse method to get the array in descending order


    print("\bThe array after sorting= ", myDishes)


    Hence, it is a perfect way to understand how we can use the different methods together, (in this case, the reverse method) in the same code to get the desired output. Sorting is an important concept, and in programming languages such as C and C++, sorting is done by long codes, but with the help of this uncomplicated method, the programmers can get the desired output easily in just one step.

    Consequently, it was a lecture full of practical examples of the methods in Python, and we have seen many daily life problems that can be arranged in a better manner using the built-in methods. We made the pair of methods into single programs so that we could ignore the repetitions of the same data again and again. Moreover, it provided us with a better chance to understand the professional use of the methods in real-life problems. We hope you learned a lot. Stay with us for more learning.

    Inheritance in Python using Jupyter Notebook

    Hola students! Welcome to the new Python tutorial, where we are learning about OOP. We all know why OOP is important in programming. In the previous lecture, a detailed overview of classes and objects was discussed. We are moving towards the next step of learning where our focus will be on inheritance. Yet, programming also contains inheritance. We have all read about inheritance in real life and are aware of the concepts surrounding it. This time, we will discuss these concepts according to the workings of the classes and related entities. The concept of inheritance is the same in both scenarios, and with the help of interesting examples, the practical implementation of inheritance will be shown to you, but first of all, it would be interesting to know about the main headings that will be shared in detail with you later.

    • How do you introduce the inheritance in OOP and how do you compare it with the biological inheritance?

    • What are the basic types of classes that are used in inheritance?

    • Give some examples of parent and child classes.

    • How do you explain __init__() function with inheritance?

    • What do you know about the self keyword?

    • How to override the parent class in inheritance?

      What is Inheritance in OOP?

      Inheritance is the fundamental concept in OOP, and with the help of Python, the programmers can easily get the required outputs with minimum effort. Keep in mind, OOP is applicable because of its feature of reusability of the code in the perfect way. This helps to curtail the redundancy while working on the development projects. There are different ways of recycling the code in Python, and inheritance is one of the most prominent ways to do so. As in biological inheritance, where the characteristics of the parents are transferred from parents to children, so is it with inheritance in object-oriented programming. The whole concept is about the relationship between different classes and this is important to learn for the large and complex projects of Python.

      Types of Classes in Inheritance

      We have discussed in the previous lectures that different classes can be used at the same time in the same code, and this is the time to utilize that concept. When there is more than one class, it is important to make connections between these classes. Inheritance is a relationship between different types of classes, and this is the basis of the concept of inheritance. The following are the main classes used in inheritance:

      1. Parent class

      2. Child class

        Parent Class

        The parent class is also known as the base class, and it has the main characteristics that can be inherited or copied by the other classes. Any class can be the parent class, and therefore, there is no special syntax for it. The way to form the simple class is considered the parent class. So, we can think in our mind that all classes are parent classes until they are derived from other classes. Here is an example of a parent class.


        Let us take an example from the real world so that you may understand it well. We all know about bank accounts. If we consider the bank account as a parent class, then the types of the bank accounts such as business accounts, saving accounts, etc have many attributes that the “bank account” class may have. So we can consider the savings and business account as the child class so whenever we declare them, we do not have to write all the attributes of other types of bank accounts. 

        Code for the Parent Class:

        #creating the parent class

        class Fish:

        #defining the attributes

            def __init__(self, firstName="ozzy", LastName="king"):

                self.firstName = first_name

                self.LastName = last_name

        #printing the class

            print("Parent class= " , Fish)


        In this code, we have just made a simple class with some attributes and considered it the parent class. As you can see, we can make more objects of this class and use it in different ways, but for now, we are not moving forward because the concept here is clear and one that we want to discuss.

        Child Class

        As you can guess, the child class is the one that is derived from the parent class and has the same attributes as the parent class. It is a subclass and has a slightly different syntax than its parent class. Let’s say you are talking about bears, All bears can walk, run, eat, and sleep. So, these attributes remain the same, and the parent class, in this case, is "bear,” whereas, the polar bear and brown bear are the subclasses. The same is true for all the animals that have the different kinds of the speicies in them because of the same attributes but have many subclasses. The following code will be a little bit confusing, but the discussion will clarify the concept:

        Code For Child Class

        #creating a new class with the name penguin so the animal bird specie is used

        class Penguin:

         #declaring the attribute and method of the parent class

            name = ""

            def swim(self):

                print("I love swimming")

        # a child class that inherits the message from a parent

        class tag(Penguin):

            # new method in a subclass

            def display(self):

                # access name attribute of superclass using self

                print("My name is ",

        # creating an object of the subclass

        pengName = tag()

        #Using the superclass attribute and method  = "tag"


        # calling the subclass method created above




        • In the beginning, a parent class is declared with the name "Penguin.” This class has two things declared in it. First of all, it tells us that the “name” is in the form of a string. The second thing is the attribute of swimming. This also gives us the string message that the tag can swim. We have written it here just to show that messages from the child and parent can both be used in the output. 

        • In the next step, a child class is introduced in which the particular penguin is declared to have the name “tag”.

        • Now, let us use the parent class and get the attribute of the name from it. In this way, the child gets the name "tag." Another thing that happened here is, that a new method was formed to explain swimming. 

        • In the end, a built-in method display() is used to display the name of the penguin with a string message that was shown before.

        • Keep in mind, the display method is not limited to the inheritance only but can be used with most of the entities of the Python. 

        Important Terms Used With Inheritance

        When dealing with the codes of inheritance, there are different concepts that must be kept in mind so that you may use them with the inheritance, and once the programmers have a grip on it, it becomes easy and comfortable to use inheritance in multiple ways. At this level, it is important to understand the following methods and constructors, and you will notice some of them have already been used in our codes of inheritance. Yet here, we are discussing it in detail so that you may use it in the practice and get the perfect results according to your requirement. 

        Pass Keyword in Classes

        Programming is an interesting field, and when you deal with a hundred lines of code, sometimes, when the programmer does not want to use a specific function for some reason ( when you simply declare the function but there is no need to execute it but other code must be run), then to avoid the errors, the “pass” keyword is used to do so. We can define this keyword as:

        "A pass keyword is a simple type of keyword that is used to tell the compiler that the line above this keyword has had no usage till now, so go to the next line during execution."

        Sometimes the coders are confused between the pass keyword and the comment, but the difference is that the comment is not part of the code but is the explanation to the user. The pass keyword, on the other hand, simply causes the compiler to jump to the line above it, which may be a function that does not yet have an implementation. The syntax of this keyword is to simply type “pass” right after the line to be skipped. 

        Example of Pass Keyword in Inheritance

        The reason why we are discussing this keyword here is, this helps a lot in inheritance. If there are many subclasses and the programmer simply wants to ignore one line to check whether my other classes are working or not, they use the “pass” keyword in such cases and it seems to be very interesting. 

        In the code given above, we are simply placing the pass keyword after the declaration of subclass and the compiler will jump on it and is not able to use it in the methods given in the next lines. 


        #creating a new class with the name penguin so the animal bird specie is used

        class Penguin:

         #declaring the attribute and method of the parent class

            name = ""

            def swim(self):

                print("I love swimming")

        # a child class that inherits the message from a parent

        class tag(Penguin):

        #using the pass keyword to jump from the line above


            # new method in a subclass

        def display(self):

                # access name attribute of superclass using self

                print("My name is ",

        # creating an object of the subclass

        pengName = tag()

        #Using the superclass attribute and method  = "tag"


        # calling the subclass method created above



        You can see only the parent class is used here, and the child class is jumped. The code is not able to be executed well because of this jump condition.

        The __init__() Function

        Since we are using the concepts of inheritance, have you noticed the usage of __init()? If yes then you must be wondering what is it. This is the constructor of Python and it is used to initialize the data member. That is required when the object of the class is created. At the time of the creation of the object, this function contains the collection of instructions or statements that it contains. 

        Self Keyword in Inheritance

        In the previous lectures, we also used another keyword to be noticed, which is the “self” keyword. In simple words, we can say that when we are using the concept of classes, the “self” keyword is used to access the attributes and methods of the class. In some other programming languages, the @ is used to refer to the instant attribute.

        Overriding Method in Python

        Another method that is used in Python, especially with the inheritance concepts, is the overriding method. Till now, we have said that the child class gets the attributes from the parent class, but what if the programmer wants to introduce an attribute with the same name but different features in the child class? For this, we use the overriding method, which is introduced with the statement given next:

        "In inheritance, the overriding method allows the child class to have the implementation of the specific method that is already declared in the parent class."

        It is important to keep the flow of the code in mind while using the overriding method because incorrect overriding can cause errors or redundancy. Moreover, attributes and classes can both be overridden using this method.

        In this lecture, we have learned many simple and smart concepts to deal with inheritance and have learned a lot about them. At the start, we saw the basic definition of inheritance in OOP and compared it with biological inheritance. After that, we have seen what is the child class and parent class. Some important terms about te inheritance was also discussed that were different kind of constructors and methods that we useful in their functioning. In the next lecture, we will talk more about inheritance so stay with us and happy coding.

        Online Gerber Viewer by JLCPCB: An Essential Tool to Inspect PCB Layouts

        In the realm of PCB manufacturing, the Gerber file format plays an important role in the design and production processes. Understanding and inspecting these files are crucial to ensuring the accuracy and quality of the printed circuit board (PCB). JLCPCB is a leading PCB fabrication and assembly service provider. Fortunately, it  offers an exceptional online tool. It is called the JLCPCB Online Gerber Viewer. It  simplifies and enhances the inspection of PCB layouts. In this article, we will discuss the significance of Gerber files. We will  explore the reasons for inspection. We will  also showcase the powerful functionalities of JLCPCB's Online Gerber Viewer.

        What is a Gerber file?

        A Gerber file, named after the famous Gerber Scientific Instruments, is a standard file format used in the sector of printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturing. It serves as a crucial bridge between the design stage and the physical realization of a PCB. Essentially, a Gerber file is a collection of instructions and data that communicates the precise specifications and details of the PCB design to the manufacturing equipment.

        In more technical terms, a Gerber file is generated from the PCB design software and contains a series of commands that describe each layer of the PCB. These commands include information about the placement of copper traces, solder masks, silkscreen markings, drill holes, and other crucial elements that contribute to the final PCB layout. Each layer is represented as a separate Gerber file, allowing manufacturers to accurately interpret and translate the design into a physical PCB.

        The Gerber file format has been widely adopted as an industry standard due to its versatility and compatibility with various PCB manufacturing processes and equipment. It provides a concise and standardized representation of the design, enabling seamless communication and collaboration between design engineers and manufacturers.

        One of the key advantages of the Gerber file format is its flexibility in accommodating different PCB layer configurations. Whether a PCB design requires single-sided, double-sided, or multi-layer boards, the Gerber file format can adapt to convey the necessary information. Each layer is defined within its respective Gerber file, allowing for clear differentiation and precise control over the manufacturing process.

        Furthermore, Gerber files incorporate not only the geometric layout of the PCB but also important manufacturing details. This includes parameters like trace widths, pad sizes, drill hole dimensions, and material specifications, ensuring that the manufacturing equipment performs the necessary operations accurately and consistently.

        In summary, a Gerber file is a standardized file format that encapsulates the critical information required to produce a PCB. It serves as a vital communication medium between the PCB design software and the manufacturing equipment. By conveying precise instructions and specifications, Gerber files enable manufacturers to bring PCB designs to life with the utmost accuracy and fidelity.

        Design for Manufacturability (DFM) Analysis:

        By analyzing the Gerber files, manufacturers can identify potential manufacturing issues, such as inadequate spacing between components, unachievable trace widths, or insufficient clearances. This helps in optimizing the design for efficient and cost-effective manufacturing. Addressing DFM concerns at the early stages of the design process saves time, reduces manufacturing risks, and streamlines the production timeline.

        Error Detection and Correction: 

        Detecting errors early in the manufacturing process saves time and resources. Inspecting Gerber files helps identify errors such as missing or overlapping features, incorrect layer assignments, or mismatches in the solder mask and silk screen layers. With the assistance of an advanced online viewer like JLCPCB's, design engineers can quickly spot these errors and rectify them before initiating the manufacturing process, minimizing rework and production delays.

        Collaboration and Communication: 

        Gerber files act as a common language between designers, manufacturers, and assemblers. Inspecting the files ensures clear communication and effective collaboration, reducing misunderstandings and streamlining the entire production cycle. With the availability of the Online Gerber Viewer, stakeholders can easily share and discuss design iterations, enabling smoother collaboration and efficient decision-making.

        Exploring JLCPCB's Online Gerber Viewer:

        JLCPCB's Online Gerber Viewer is a user-friendly and feature-rich tool that simplifies the inspection process of Gerber files. Let's explore some of its notable features:

        User-Friendly Interface:

        The viewer boasts an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced users. The clean layout allows for effortless file upload and exploration. Users can quickly familiarize themselves with the tool, eliminating the need for extensive training or technical expertise. There is a clear-cut set of instructions for ordering.

        Below is how the interface looks like. You have to open an account. Then you can login and start uploading your gerber files. You can login anytime to see your upload history.

        Comprehensive File Format Support:

        JLCPCB's Online Gerber Viewer supports a wide range of file formats, including Gerber (RS-274X), Excellon drill files, and even ZIP archives containing multiple Gerber layers. This versatility ensures compatibility with various PCB design software and simplifies the viewing process. Users can confidently upload their Gerber files without worrying about format limitations.

        After uploading the zip folder, it can detect the number of layers.

        Take a look at the image below. Here the Online Gerber Viewer detected a 2-layered board.

        Similarly, in case of this design, the same tool detected 4 layers.

        All uploads are secure and confidential. 

        Layer Selection and Visualization:

        The viewer enables users to selectively display individual PCB layers or combinations of layers, making it easier to analyze specific components, copper traces, solder masks, silk screens, and other essential elements. This feature provides a comprehensive view of the PCB, allowing users to examine the design from different perspectives and assess its integrity.

        You can analyze your PCB layer by layer.

        This is when all the layers are visible:

        Then you can select the Top layer only:

        And this is the bottom layer:

        There are other parts of the PCB on the left side of the console. Such as-Top silk, Top solder mask, Top paste mask etc. You can check and uncheck them to view. It makes your observation much more convenient.

        Zooming and Measurement Tools: 

        The viewer offers zooming capabilities and measurement tools, empowering users to examine intricate details, measure distances accurately, and ensure precise component placements and dimensions. The ability to zoom in and out helps users identify minute details, ensuring that every aspect of the design is thoroughly inspected.

        In the image below, we can see the zoom option.

        Analysis result:

        As soon as you upload your gerber files, the  Online Gerber Viewer gives you an analysis result. It is done within the shortest possible time.

        The following figure shows how an analysis result looks like. You can see pretty much everything. Number of layers, trace width, drill size and lots more. If there is an error in your design, you will see that too. The result shows warnings in yellow.

        3D Visualization:

        In addition to 2D views, JLCPCB's Online Gerber Viewer also provides an optional 3D visualization feature. This immersive experience facilitates a better understanding of the PCB's physical appearance, component heights, and spatial relationships. Users can rotate, pan, and zoom in the 3D view to gain a comprehensive understanding of the PCB's three-dimensional structure.

        Features offered by Online Gerber Viewer by JLCPCB at a glance:

        Free or paid




        Online checking


        Maximum supported size of zip or rar


        Layered view


        Quick transfer facility to JLCPCB factory


        Measurement tools


        DFM error detection 


        3D visualization 


        Comprehensive file format support 


        Changing view, toggling units


        Zooming, moving,alignment  


        To wrap up:

        The JLCPCB Online Gerber Viewer is an invaluable tool that simplifies the inspection and verification of Gerber files, ensuring the accuracy and quality of PCB layouts. By utilizing this user-friendly and feature-rich tool, design engineers, manufacturers, and assemblers can effectively identify errors, optimize designs for manufacturability, and streamline collaboration. The power of JLCPCB's Online Gerber Viewer enhances the efficiency of the PCB manufacturing process, ultimately leading to higher-quality products and faster time-to-market.

        With its comprehensive file format support, advanced visualization features, and collaborative capabilities, JLCPCB's Online Gerber Viewer revolutionizes the way PCB layouts are inspected and analyzed. The user-friendly interface and intuitive navigation make it accessible to users of all levels of expertise, eliminating the need for extensive training or technical proficiency. The ability to selectively display and visualize individual PCB layers or combinations of layers provides a comprehensive view of the design, allowing for a thorough assessment of the PCB's integrity.

        The zooming and measurement tools offered by the viewer enable users to examine intricate details, ensuring precise component placements and dimensions. The cross-sectional views and optional 3D visualization feature provide an in-depth understanding of the PCB's internal structure, aiding in the identification of potential issues and improving overall manufacturing quality.

        By inspecting Gerber files with the JLCPCB Online Gerber Viewer, design engineers can verify the accuracy of their designs, address design for manufacturability (DFM) concerns, and detect errors early in the manufacturing process. This results in optimized designs, reduced manufacturing risks, and improved overall product quality.

        In conclusion, the JLCPCB Online Gerber Viewer empowers users to conduct comprehensive inspections of PCB layouts, ensuring the successful realization of design intent. Its intuitive interface, extensive feature set, and collaborative capabilities make it an indispensable tool for anyone involved in the PCB manufacturing process. By harnessing the power of the JLCPCB Online Gerber Viewer, designers and manufacturers can achieve greater efficiency, accuracy, and collaboration, ultimately leading to superior PCBs and accelerated time-to-market for their products.

        Syed Zain Nasir

        I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=>My Google Profile+</a>

        Published by
        Syed Zain Nasir