How to use Arithmetic Operators in Python

Hello friends, I hope you all are ding great. In today's tutorial, I am going to show you How to use Arithmetic Operators in Python. It's our fourth tutorial in Python series. Arithmetic operators are required in mathematical problem solving. We will first have a look at the arithmetic operators and after that, we also discuss different builtin arithmetic functions in Python Math module. So, let's get started:

Arithmetic Operators in Python

  • Arithmetic operators ( +, -, *, /, ^ etc. ) are used to perform simple arithmetic operations in python.
  • So, let's open up your PyCharm and perform a simple task using these operators, as shown in below figure:
  • I used a single star for multiplication and a double star for the square power.
  • It is showing the results of the operations, which it is performing respectively.
Now let's design a simple calculator using these arithmetic operators but before that let's have a look at How to take input from user in python.

Getting Input from users in Python

  • If we want to work dynamically, we will learn how we get values from users.
  • It quite simple in python, you will just need to use an input method here.
  • It will take input from the user and store it in the assigned variable.
  • If you want to take the full name, age, and qualification of the player, you will write it as shown in the image:

Now I will talk about type conversion and we will make a simple program that will calculate the salary of an employee so that we can learn to perform basic calculations: Type conversion in Python In this part, I will tell you, what is Type Conversion in Python? And why it is required? Let's follow the step.
  • Suppose we want to count the salary of an employee. See the steps in the image.
  • Here I put int. before the fourth string, which is basic pay, but I have put the bonus in the whole numbers and it will be unable to do the concatenation because it is allowing it as a string. So, I typed the data and run it, see the results.

  • You can also use the second method as you can put int. where you are performing calculations, as shown in the image.
  • You can convert it by using three major data types i.e. int, float, string.

Simple Calculator in Python

Now we will design a simple calculator in which the user will enter 1st & 2nd number and our code will perform these operations with those operators like addition, subtraction, division, and multiplications. I typed the following strings below:
  • first_number = float(input("Enter first number : "))
  • second_number = float(input("Enter second number : "))
  • print("All Arithmetic Operations are as under.")
  • print(first_number + second_number)
  • print(first_number - second_number)
  • print(first_number * second_number)
  • print(first_number / second_number)
  • print(first_number ** second_number)
  • I converted the type of first and second strings.
  • Run the program
  • You can see in the printed screen all the arithmetic operations are performed respectively.
  • All the values are in floating points because we converted it into the float.
  • You can also convert it in integer and check it.
  • I wrote 9 and 5 and enter it, results are shown in above figure.

Operator Precedence in Python

Let's suppose, we have a variable here.
  • Profit = 15 + 30 * 25
  • Now let's print it using: print(profit)
  • Run the program.
  • The answer will be 765 in the output window.
Python follows the standard order of precedence. First, it will perform multiplication and then it will perform the addition. However, we can change the order using parenthesis.
  • Suppose, we want to operate the addition method first.
  • So, I will place parenthesis before and after both terms.
  • Then it will perform the addition method first then multiplication.
  • I will write it as:

profit = (15 + 30) * 25

  • Run the program and answer will be 1125.
Now I will expand the equation and will do subtraction with it, let’s see what happens.

profit = (15 + 30) * 25 - 10

  • Run the program and answer will be 1115.
  • If we add parenthesis to it as:

profit = (15 + 30) * (25 - 10)

  • Run the program and we will get 675.
Numbers and Importing Math’s Function in Python In this part of the lecture, I will discuss predefined functions about numbers in Python and I will also show you, how to import math modules for the advanced predefined function and methods, predefined for numbers. So let's get started. round()
  • Suppose we have a variable as, number = 3.7.
  • I want easily round it using:


  • Run the program and it will round the figure to 4.
  • Suppose I have negative value -8 and I want to find the absolute value of it.
  • I will use abs() and it It will return 8, as shown in below figure:
  • If I want to find the minimum value among the two numbers. I will write it as:

 print(min(9, 4.5)

  • It will return the minimum value as, 4.5.
  • You can do the exact opposite of min, if you want to find out the maximum value among the two numbers.

print(max(9, 4.5)

  • If I want to calculate the multiples of itself i.e. square, cube etc. then I will write it as:

print(pow(5, 3)

  • The first number will be base and the second one will be the power.
  • Run the program & it will show the answer, 125.

Import a Math Module in Python

Now let's have a look at How to import a math module in python code:
  • Python Math library has a lot of builtin functions, which we can easily import by writing this statement at the top of our code.

from Math import *

  • By writing this statement we are simply saying that get access to all the functions of Math Library.
Now, let's have a look at few of its functions: sqrt()
  • Suppose I want to take the square root of number = 72
  • I write it as

print (sqrt(number))

  • Run the program and it will return as 8.4 something, as shown in below figure:
Here's the complete list of functions in Python Math Module:
List of Functions in Python Math Module
Function Description
ceil(x) It returns the previous integer value.
copysign(x, y) It will assign sign of y to x.
fabs(x) It returns the absolute value.
factorial(x) It returns the factorial value.
floor(x) It returns the next integer value.
fmod(x, y) It divides x by y and returns the remainder.
frexp(x) It returns the mantissa and exponent as pair value.
fsum(iterable) It returns an accurate floating point sum of values in the iterable
isfinite(x) It returns TRUE, if the number is finite i.e. neither infinite nor NaN.
isinf(x) It returns TRUE, if the number is infinite.
isnan(x) It returns TRUE, if the number is NAN.
ldexp(x, i) It returns x * (2**i).
modf(x) It returns the fractional and integer values.
trunc(x) It returns the truncated integer value.
exp(x) It returns e**x
expm1(x) It returns e**x - 1
log(x[, base]) It returns the logarithmic value to the base e.
log1p(x) It returns the natural logarithmic value of 1+x.
log2(x) It returns the base-2 logarithmic value.
log10(x) It returns the base-10 logarithmic value.
pow(x, y) It returns x raised to the power y.
sqrt(x) It returns the square root of x.
acos(x) It returns the arc cosine of x.
asin(x) Returns the arc sine of x.
atan(x) Returns the arc tangent of x.
atan2(y, x) Returns atan(y / x)
cos(x) Returns the cosine of x
hypot(x, y) Returns the Euclidean norm, sqrt(x*x + y*y)
sin(x) Returns the sine of x
tan(x) Returns the tangent of x
degrees(x) Converts angle x from radians to degrees
radians(x) Converts angle x from degrees to radians
acosh(x) Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of x
asinh(x) Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of x
atanh(x) Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of x
cosh(x) Returns the hyperbolic cosine of x
sinh(x) Returns the hyperbolic cosine of x
tanh(x) Returns the hyperbolic tangent of x
erf(x) Returns the error function at x
erfc(x) Returns the complementary error function at x
gamma(x) Returns the Gamma function at x
lgamma(x) Returns the natural logarithm of the absolute value of the Gamma function at x
pi Mathematical constant, the ratio of circumference of a circle to it's diameter (3.14159...)
e mathematical constant e (2.71828...)
So that was all about arithmetic operators in Python. I hope now you got the clear idea of how powerful python is. So, that was all for today. In the next lecture, we will have a look at How to create IF Loop in Python. Till then take care and have fun !!! :)

How to use String in Python

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we will have a look at How to use String in Python. It's our 3rd tutorial in Python series. We have discussed strings in our previous lecture How to use Data Types in Python. String is a most commonly used data type in python that's why I have created a separate lecture on it. Python has many built-in string operations, which we will discuss today in detail. So, let's get started with String in Python:

How to use String in Python

  • String Data Type is used to store or collect one or more characters or sequence of characters, we can place any alphanumerical or special character in a string.
  • Let's create a string in python, it has a simple syntax, as shown below:

first_var = "Hello World"

  • There are two sorts of strings, we can use in python:
    • Single Line.
    • Multiple Lines.
  • The above-given example is for a single line, like if you want to write an email or product name, etc.
Multiple Lines String in Python
  • If you want to write an essay, story, report etc. then you will need to use Multiple Lines string, which is created by placing triple quote around the data, as shown in below figure:
  • As you can see in above figure, we have written multiple lines in welcome string.

Strings Operators

  • If you are using an apostrophe, you will need to use use double quotes, otherwise, the interpreter will not be able to understand it and will give you a syntax error, as shown in below figure:
  • But if I write in double-quotes, then it will work fine, as shown in below figure:

Escape sequences in Python

  • If you are using double quotes in the same string, then you will need to use a backward slash ( \ ), as shown in the image.
  • Run the program and see the result in the console window:
Now I have another escape sequence ( \n )
  • If I want to add a new line break then I will use escape sequence ( \n ).
  • As you can see in below figure, I have printed the name & age of Richard in separate lines using escape sequence ( \n ).
Tab escape sequence is \t
  • I wrote it with tab escape sequence ( \t ) and run the program, see the six spaces in the printed window:
Some useful points before I move further:
  • You can use backward slash and forward slash \/ like this.
  • You cannot use the backward slash at the end of the string before the end of the quote.
  • You will use double backward slash ( \\ ), if you want to print one.

Concatenation in Python

  • In concatenation, we connect multiple strings together, we use ( + ) sign in order to concatenate strings.
  • Let's understand it with an example, as shown in below figure:
  • As you can see in above figure, I have printed multiple strings in a single line using ( + ) sign.

 String Formatting In Python

When we use multiple strings, it gets harder to concatenate those strings, and it is difficult to remember each string format and codes. In such cases, we need to format those strings. Let's understand it with an example:
  • In String Formatting, we simply place our variables in curly brackets, as shown in below figure:
  • No need to add multiple quotes and + symbol, instead simply use curly brackets for variables.

String Indexes in Python

In python, when we store a string, it goes with an index for each of its element one by one, because it is a sequence of characters. Let's understand it with an example:
  • For example, I saved the name "Ali Haider" in a string then each of its character has an index assigned with it.
  • I have shown the string and the index starting with a comment # in below image:
  • So, that means index of  A=0, L=1, I=2, (for blank space, it is also a character and its index is 3), H=4, a=5, i=6, d=7, e=8 and r=9.
  • After that, I have printed first three characters of that string by writing a range of [0:3], it eliminates the ending index and shows the result as from 0 to 2, which makes the word Ali. (see above image )
  • If you want to print till the final value, then you wont need to write the last index, you will just write it as [0: ].
  • If I write in this way, print(player_name[:]), then it will print the whole string again.
  • You can also write negative indexes like print(player_name[-1]) and it will print from the right side.
Before moving further, I will tell you a magical feature that only Python allows.
  • Type print("a" * 30) and check the magic in print window:

Builtin String Functions in Python

Python has numerous excellent builtin string functions, which we can access using  DOT ( . ) operator. These builtin functions are quite helpful, so let's have a loot at few of them: string.upper()
  • This upper() function will make characters of the string uppercase, as shown in below figure:
  • If, I write print(Precaution.isupper()), It will check the string, whether its uppercase or not.
  • If string will be in uppercase it will return True and if it's not in uppercase, it will return False.
  • Now let's convert string characters to lowercase by using lower() function.
  • When I type print(precaution.lower()), It will print the whole string in lowercase, as shown in below figure:
  • Now if we want to replace any word, then we need to use print(precaution.replace("WEAR", 'BUY')), It will replace the WEAR word with BUY, as shown in the image:
So, that was all about How to use Strings in Python. I have tried to cover all the main points and rest we will keep on covering in coming lectures. In the next lecture, we will have a look at How to use Arithmetic Operators in Python. Till then take care & have fun !!! :)

How to use Data Types in Python

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, I am going to show you How to use Data types in Python. It's our 2nd tutorial in Python series. In our first tutorial, we have seen a detailed introduction to python and we have also installed PyCharm IDE to work on python. Today, we will understand data types in detail as in order to design an efficient program, you need to select correct data types. Incorrect selection may cause memory loss and may slow your application. So, let's get started with data types in Python:

Data types in Python

  • Data Types are used for the classification or categorization of similar data packets. There are numerous data types available in python, which we can use depending on our projects' requirement.
  • Let's understand data types with an example: Suppose you have some digital data i.e. ON & OFF then you can save this data in Boolean data type but what if your data ranges from 1 to 10, then you need to use integer data types instead of Boolean.
  • You can save Boolean data in integer data type but that will be a redundant i.e. we are allocating more space to our data by specifying integer, when we can easily assign Boolean to it.
  • Here's the flow chart of available data types in Python language:
Now let's have a look at these data types one by one:

Numeric in Python

  • Numeric data types are used to deal with all types of numerical data packets i.e. integer, float etc.
  • Numeric data types are further divided into 3 types, which are:
    • Integer.
    • Float.
    • Complex Number.
Integer in Python
  • Integer (int) data type only holds integer numbers, it could be positive or negative.
  • We can't save decimal numbers in integer data type.
  • Here's a declaration of a variable x and it is assigned a value a of integer 20:

x = int(20)

Float in Python
  • Float data types are used to hold decimal numerical values i.e. 2.13, 3.14 etc.
  • We can also save whole numbers in float data types.
  • Here's a declaration of a variable x and it is assigned a value a of float 20.5:

x = float(20.5)

Complex Numbers in Python
  • Complex Number data types is used to keep complex numbers in it. Complex numbers are those numerical values which have real & imaginary part.
  • That's the versatility of python language, I haven't seen complex number data type in any other programming language.
  • Here's a declaration of a variable x and it is assigned a complex number 1+3j:

x = complex(1+3j)

Dictionary in Python

  • Dictionary data type is sued to save data in key -> value  form. The data is unordered but the value is paired with its key.
  • Dictionary data is placed inside curly brackets i.e. {1:"Jones", 2:"IronMan", 3:"Football", 4: "Mosque"}.
  • Here's a declaration of a variable x and it's assigned a dictionary data type:

x = dict(name="John", age=36)

Boolean in Python

  • Boolean is the simplest data type of all and has just two values assigned to it i.e. True or False.
  • Although it's quite simple but its too handy as we have to use it a lot in IF statements. ( We will cover that later )
  • Here's a declaration of a variable x, assigned a Boolean data type and it's TRUE:

x = bool(1)

Sequence Type in Python

  • Sequence Type data types are used to save data in characters form.
  • We can't save numerical data in sequence type but we can convert the two. ( We will discuss that later )
  • Sequence Types are further divided into 3 types, which are:
    • String.
    • List.
    • Tuple.
Strings in Python
  • A string is used to save one or more characters and it's the most commonly used data type.
  • Let's understand it with a simple example: You must have seen greeting messages on different projects, we save such data in strings.
  • We will discuss strings in detail in our next lecture, where we will perform different operations using strings.
  • Here's a declaration of a variable x, which is assigned a string "Hello World":

x = str("Hello World")

List in Python
  • List data type is used to collect an ordered data, not necessarily of the same type.
  • List data is displayed with square brackets.
  • We will discuss this in our upcoming lectures in detail, here's a declaration of list:

x = list(("apple", "banana", "cherry"))

Tuple in Python
  • Tuple data type is used to arrange ordered data, it's quite similar to list but the data is displayed with small brackets.
  • Here's a Tuple declaration:

x = tuple(("apple", "banana", "cherry"))

So, we have discussed all these data types in python and if you are not understanding any of them yet then no need to worry as we are going to use them a lot in our coming projects, so you will get them. Before moving to next lecture, let's discuss variables in python a little:

Variables in Python

  • Variable is a temporary location in computer's memory, which is used to save the data.
  • As the name implies, we can change its value using different operations or information given to the program.
  • Typically, a program consists of commands that instruct the computer what to do with variables.
  • Variables are assigned with tag name, using which we call the value saved in it.
  • For examples: x = 5, here x is the name of the variable and 5 is its value.
  • In python, we can use special characters, letters, and any number as a variable name.
  • Wide spaces and signs with meanings like "+" and "-" are invalid in python.
  • You should remember that the names of variables are case sensitive. As the uppercase letter "A" and lowercase letter "a" are considered as different variables.
  • As variables are used to save data thus they also assigned a data type. So, a variable could be of int, float or string. (as we seen above)
  • In python, it's not necessary to define variable data type, python sets it dynamically.
  • There are some variables, which are reserved and we cannot use them.
  • We can also change the variables later and assign it to a new variable.
  • For example, I have set a value 10 in a variable eat.


  • Then I added and stored the value of eat+10 in a variable cot.

cot = eat + 10

  • So, now cot will be 110.
Types of Variables Here I have set some examples of Variables and their types.
  • X = 456 #integer
  • X = 456L #Long integer
  • X = 4.56 #double float
  • X = "world" #string
  • X = [1, 2] #list
  • X = (0, 1, 2) #tuple
  • X = open('' , 'r') #file
You may assign a single value to multiple variables at the same time.
  • Variable x, y, and z are assigned with the same memory location with the value of 1.

x = y = z = 1

  • Let's create few variables in python, I have created first_name, date_of_birth & last_name, as shown in below figure:
  • I have printed first_name and its appeared in the output panel.
So, that was all about Python Data Types & variables. I hope you have enjoyed today's lecture. In our next lecture, we will have a look at Strings in Python. Till then take care & have fun !!! :)

Introduction to Python

Hello Engineers! Hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, I am giving you a detailed lecture on Python programming language. As I am writing this tutorial for beginners, that's why I will discuss each & everything in detail, so it's going to be a very lengthy tutorial and I have divided it in parts.

We will start from basic concepts in Python and will slowly move towards advanced concepts. It's going to be a quite long bumpy ride but I will try my best to make it as smooth as I can. So, let's get started with basic Introduction to Python Language:

Introduction to python

  • Python is a multi-purpose, object-oriented High-Level Programming language, with applications in multiple areas, including scripting, machine learning, data sciences, scientific learning, cloud computing and artificial intelligence.
  • It is the most popular language of 2019, and it is going to flourish exponentially in upcoming years because of its versatility & flexibility.
  • Organizations like Google, NASA, and CIA are using it already.
  • Python processes at RUNTIME by the INTERPRETER, so you don't need to compile your program before executing it.
  • There are three major versions of Python programming language are available i.e. 1.X, 2.X and 3.X. They have sub-versions such as 2.2.3 and 3.3.1.

So, the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) which I am going to use is PyCharm Community Edition.

  • PyCharm Community Edition is free of cost and open-source. You can use it easily.
  • Jetbrains developed this for professional developers.

Prerequisites for Python

As I have told you earlier, I will start from the very basics and will cover almost everything about Python, so if you follow & practice this tutorial completely then you will surely learn Python, even if you are a beginner and know nothing about programming. But still, it would be better if you have:

  • knowledge of some basic concepts like loops, control statements, variables, etc.
  • It is not required to learn any other programming language before you learn python.
  • It is not required to have an engineering background to learn this language.
  • If you are from any other discipline like Sciences, Social sciences or any other academic field, you can still learn it.

Uses of Python

  • As I have mentioned earlier, Python is used in various areas like Machine learning, scripting, scientific computing, Artificial Intelligence, cloud computing etc.
  • So many communities are forced to use python these days, such as:
    • Network Engineers.
    • Software Engineers.
    • Data Analysts.
    • Mathematicians.
    • Scientists.
    • Accountants.
    • Website & App Developers.
  • A wide range of jobs are using this multi-purpose language, namely:
    • Desktop application development.
    • Mobile application development.
    • Web application development.
    • Automation Scripts.
    • Algorithmic and high-frequency trading.
    • Machine learning.
    • Artificial intelligence.
    • Software testing.
    • Hacking.
    • Mathematics.
    • Networks.
I hope now you have the idea of Python's importance these days. So, let's move on to the next step.


Data science and machine learning are the main reasons, why programmers are learning this language.
  • Python offers different frameworks and libraries, for example, PyBrain, PyMySQL, and NumPy.
  • Python experience allows you more than R Language.
  • You can create scripts to automate material and go with web developments, and so on, respectively.
  •  If you want to work in machine learning, you can easily work with Python.
  • Some of the examples of machine learning are, google chatbots. They answer your questions and queries through python algorithms.

Download & Install Python

Enough with the theoretical stuff, now let's get our hands on Python software:
  • First of all, you need to download Python, they have provided Python for Windows, Linux/UNIX, Mac OS X etc.
  • At the time of this writing, Python 3.8.3 is the latest version, so download & install it.
  • Make sure you check the Python path when you continue, otherwise, it will not work in the future.
  • Next, we need to download PyCharm, which is the IDE for professional developers.
  • You will find two versions on its download page i.e. Professional and Community.
  • We are going to download the community version for now, as we are in the learning phase.
  • You can download PyCharm for Windows, Mac & Linux.
  • After downloading the PyCharm, simply install it.
  • During installation, you need to check on the
    • 64-bit launcher.
    • Add launcher dir to the PATH.
    • Create Associations .py
  • I have ticked these 3 options, as shown in the below image:
  • Now click on the Next button and then click on Install and PyCharm will be installed on your computer.
  • You need to restart your computer for adding launcher dir to the PATH.

Creating First Python Project on PyCharm

  • Click the PyCharm icon and open the IDE.
  • On its first run, it will ask for the UI theme, which I am going to select Dracula, as I like the dark one.
  • Now, click on "Create New Project, select the location where you want to save your file and then click close.
We have created our first project in PyCharm and next, we need to add python files to this project. So let's start with the first Python program.
  • In the left window titled Project, we have a tree structure of our files.
  • These are library files that are necessary for running the project successfully, we will discuss them later.
  • So, in this Project Panel, we need to right-click on our Project Folder and then New and then select Python File, as shown in the figure on the right side.
  • Give a name to your file, as I have named it
  • Now let's write our first line of code:

print("my world, my rules")

  • Click on Run in the top menu bar then select Run. You can also use the shortcut key (Alt+shift+F10).
  • IDE will ask you to select the file for execution, so we need to select our python file.
  • Once you select your python file, a new dialog box will open up at the bottom, and you will find your string printed there i.e. my world, my rules.
  • Here's the screenshot of our first Python code in Pycharm:
  • So, we have successfully executed our first Python code in PyCharm. :)

So, that was all for today. I hope now you have a better understanding of what python is and why its so popular. If you have any questions, please feel free to as kin comments. In the next lecture, we will have a look at datatypes in python. Till then take care and have fun !!! :)

A Tour to NextPCB – Fabrication House

Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we will have a look at another competitive Fabrication House named NextPCB. Recently, I was working on a project, where I need to design some PCBs and this time, I thought of trying NextPCB. If anyone ask me, about my experience with NEXTPCB in one word, then I would say splendid !!! So, let's have a look at why we should select NEXTPCB for our next PCB order:

Quick Review about NextPCB

  • NextPCB, based in China, is working in PCB manufacturing field for 15 years.
  • They not only design single PCB, but also fabricate PCB Assembly & PCB Stencil.
  • NextPCB manufacturing materials are certified by IATF 16949, ISO9001, ISO14001, UL, RoHS and REACH.
  • They work on all types of PCBs i.e. single layer, double layer, multi-layer, through-hole, surface mount etc.
  • They are following modern techniques and are thus proved quite innovative in PCB assembling.
  • They provide a quick delivery response as fast as 24 hours.
  • They provide a dedicated 24/7 customer service, and you can also use online chat on their official website.
  • They have a great Quality assurance team, which makes sure that your product has all quality testing approvals.
  • Their no order size restriction i.e. you can order single PCB or can design hundreds.
  • They have a user friendly website, which is quite handy as it has a lot of features i.e.
    • You can calculate your final price.
    • You can easily order PCBs and can also track them.
    • Can you customer support.
  • Currently, there's a sale running on their site i.e. You can order 10 pieces of 4-layer PCB for $12.

NextPCB Price Packages

  • On their website, they currently have four packages available, which are:
    • Price: $12 for 10 pieces of 4-Layer PCB.
    • Trial PCB Order is free of cost, you can order 5-10 pieces of 1-2 layer PCBs. (It's the best one)
    • Price: $4.5 for 10 pcs of 2-Layer PCB.
    • Price: $28 for 10 pcs of PCB Assembly Trial.

NextPCB Instant Quote

  • I have found this calculator on its official site titled PCB Instant Quote, which is really helpful that's why mentioning here.
  • Using this calculator, you can get the final instant quote of your order.
  • It's rich with features so you can add all your requirements in it and then calculate the final cost.
  • They have provided this calculator for single PCB, PCB Assembly & PCB Stencil, as shown in below figure:

NextPCB PCB Assembly Capabilities

  • NextPCB provides competitive price with PCB Assembly Service.
  • NextPCB uses AOI & X-Ray testing to guarantee the quality of assembly project.
  • NextPCB is capable of small production and mass production for PCB Assembly, which start from 5 pieces.
  • They provide fast delivery with DHL.
  • Few of it's PCB capabilities are as follows:
    • PCBs with up to 16 layers
    • Min.Trace/Space 3.5mil(3.5mil)
    • PCB Materials Fr-4, Aluminum, Rogers, Arlon, Polyamide
    • Qty req 5-1000+
    • PCB Max. Dimension 510*590mm
    • Board Thickness 0.6-2.5mm
    • Dimension Tolerance ±0.2mm
    • Min. hole size 0.2mm
    • Outer Copper Weight 35um/70um/105um
    • Inner Copper Weight 0.5OZ/1OZ
  • Please have a look at the below table, for few more features:

Why NextPCB ?

We have discussed almost everything about NextPCB i.e. what they offer, what are there packages and whether they have the capabilities to handle bulk orders. So, now let's have a look at why we should select NextPCB:
  • As it's a fabrication house so they can provide you both simple PCBs or complete PCB assembly.
  • Their manufacturing materials are highly certified, as I mentioned in the start, thus they offer various verification methods i.e.
    • X-Ray.
    • In-Circuit.
    • Optical.
    • Visual.
    • Functional.
  • They have a team of professional engineers, who performs all these testings on your PCB or PCBA and thus provides you the best result.
I hope I have provided a detailed overview of NextPCB, and now you must have the idea why I am so impressed by their services. So, that was all for today, will meet you guys in next tutorial. Take care !!!

Top PCB Designing Software in 2020

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today’s tutorial, we will have a look at Top PCB Designing Software in 2020. The printed circuit board has become very common to us from your handheld device like mobile to GPS (global positioning system) this circuit board is used. There are many types of the printed circuit board, that used in different electronic and engineering projects according to their specifications. Due to the general use of this circuitry board, there are many software has been developed for designing of PCB. These software provide different features and designing techniques for printed circuit board production. In today's post, we will have a look at different PCB designing software and features and related parameters. So let's get started with Top PCB Designing Software in 2020.

Top PCB Designing Software in 2020

  • There are numerous designing software available in the market to design and construct PCB. These software provider companies offer different techniques for PCB and customer can also give information according to their requirements.
  • According to your circuit requirements for which you are using PCB, the circuit board can be constructed like single layer, double layer, etc.
  • These are some PCB designing software are listed here.
    • Allegro Cadence
    • PADS
    • OrCAD
    • Kicad
    • Altium Designer
  • Let's discuss these software with details and discuss their features, advantages, and disadvantages.


  • PCBWay is very cost-effective and high-quality PCB manufacturer, its headquarter is located in china.
  • The main thing that attracts me to use the services of this manufacturer is, it provides PCB prototyping, less volume production and PCBA all in one package.
  • Nowadays there are many engineers, industries and students are using PCB in their projects manufactured by the PCBway I am also one of them. You can see in a given figure the PCB that I purchased from PCBWay.
  • I am impressed with the quality of the boards, the delivery time and response to all my questions. Best price excellent service and speedy delivery. When I need another board I will certainly use this supplier.
  • PCBWay strives to be the easiest manufacturer for you to work with. PCBWay – PCB Prototype the Easy Way!
  • The main products provided by the PCBWay are HDMI, Server board, lift CPU Main control board, punch CPU,

    Industrial Motherboard, Lenovo, DSP board, GPRS Communication Products, wifi Module.

Allegro Cadence

  • This PCB designing software provides a lot of features for the printed circuit board construction. This software has a lot of units that are linked to one another.
  • Every unit sport the operation of other unit operation, in simple words working of every part, rely on other parts.
  • This software is not good to observe the hardware execution needs. But can operate well in if used in different machines with the five hundred twelve megabytes random access memory.
  • If your personal computer or that you using for your work is a single option than the Allegro is the finest option for your computer.
  • These are some benefits of Allegro Cadence software.
  • It is the best choice for less execution hardware.
  • This software is used to solve the complicated projects designed on PCB.
  • It is used for such projects that use large no of components.
  • It also offers compatible management environment.
  • For auto-routing of arbitrary signals, it offers router technology
  • Its one drawback is that its operation is complicated and require special arrangements for operation.


  • One of the cheapest and easily available printed circuit board designing software is Pads.
  • It is the best option for such technicians and designer that run their small company on their behalf and for a group of some designers.
  • The main thing is that almost all small organization use this designing software for the PCB, due its less cost.
  • These are some advantages of Pads software.
  • Its price is very less as compared to other designing software.
  • Its installation and usage are also very easy.
  • In operation is very simple you can easily lean it
  • If we compare with other less cost designing software then it will be the best solution for you.
  • Its drawback is that it is not good for multiple layers of circuit boards.


  • This software offers fundamental functions and capacities required for the designing of different printed circuit board projects.
  • But such projects that have large dimensions and complicated design not use this software.
  • The standards of this software offer complete functions for the uncomplicated circuit boards without particular conditions for placing speed signals or differential pairs.
  • The main feature this software provides is that complicated higher operating speed printed circuit board cand be manufactured without any separate functions.
  • These are some advantage of this software.
  • The installation and uses of this software are very simple.
  • It offers a favourable user interface.
  • It is not helpful for complicated and large sizer projects.

Kicad Software

  • This software is used C++ language for its operation. This software has numerous tools and services for designing the printed circuit board.
  • This software also consists of various libraries that have many electronic components.
  • This software has the ability to uses these electronic components to make three-dimensional models.
  • By using this software you can design different dimensions of circuits according to your requirements.
  • It also provides a feature to vary the design of a circuit at any point from start to end.
  • Its quality is less than more advanced or paid software but still enough that we can easily understand it, but the three-dimensional formats like .iges and * .step  are not supported by this software.
  • By providing different features it has some difficulties like it is difficult to understand and need special documentation for learning.
  • These are some advantages of this software.
  • it is the best option for less performance hardware.
  • It provides the edit options for designing.
  • It is free software.
  • In this software, we can construct our design in three dimensions way.
  • These are some drawback of this software.
  • It is not good for complicated designing.
  • it provides a non-friendly user interface.

Altium Designer (PROTEL)

  • This printed circuit board software is the oldest designing software, using from almost the last thirty years.
  • This software with time become etalons different electronic designing tools and provides different features to other manufacturers.
  • Nowadays this software providing a more advanced solution known as Altium Designer. Having older features it also providing new features to customers.
  • Many engineering universities teaching about this software, how to use it and its practical implementation.
  • These are some advantages of this software.
  • It is the best software for single and double layer PCB boards.
  • Its operation is high speed.
  • The use of this software for such PCB that has more than four layers.
That's all about Top PCB Designing Software in 2020 if have mentioned each and everything related to this article. If you have any question ask in comments. Thanks for reading.

3 Engineering Gadgets To Invest In This Year

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we will have a look at 3 Engineering Gadgets To Invest In This Year. At present, there are more than 1.6 million engineers employed in the USA, according to the U.S.  Bureau of Labor Statistics. As we become increasingly reliant on technology, engineers will become progressively more important, and more students will study towards a suitable qualification. Although the engineering field is immensely diverse, there is one thing that every engineer is in need of – a set of useful tools and gadgets to help them solve problems, create prototypes, create advanced technologies, and even explore new worlds. Here is a closer look at three  engineering gadgets well worth investing in this year.

Flexible borescopes are surprisingly versatile

A flexible borescope gives an engineer  visual access to remote areas that are normally unreachable by both hand and eye. They are ideal for troubleshooting problems before spending unnecessary time (and money) on opening up a machine or engine. At present, some of the most common borescope applications include aircraft turbines, large diesel engines, wind turbines, bearings and gearboxes, heat exchangers and boilers, and electronic assemblies. Rigid borescopes are also being increasingly used in arms manufacturing, quality assurance inspections, and routine maintenance inspections, making them the perfect addition to any engineering toolkit. While the market is slowly becoming inundated with a range of borescope brands, it is essential to not part with any money unless you have conducted sufficient research into the various makes and models available and what each brings to the table. Flexible borescopes can have a price tag of anywhere between $100 and $60,000, all depending on their features and durability.

Pocket oscilloscopes are ideal for engineers on the go

Although benchtop oscilloscopes feature in most engineering labs, an increasing number of engineers and engineering students are embracing the value of a portable tool. Portable oscilloscopes are typically equipped with built-in batteries that eliminate the need of an external power supply. They are, obviously, a lot smaller than their desktop counterparts, making them the tool of choice for the engineer on the go. When looking for a quality pocket oscilloscope, seek out one that is not only sturdy but boasts a varied range of features as well. Apart from responding exceptionally well to touch and taking precise measurements, an investment-worthy device will also boast various menus and measurement modes, despite often being as  small as a deck of cards. Pocket oscilloscopes typically retail for anywhere between $100 and $1,000.

3D printers brought on a sea of change

3D printers are still considered to be one of the most innovative pieces of engineering equipment available today, despite dating back all the way to 1983. Despite being in existence for nearly 40 years, these printers remain somewhat of a novelty to many. For engineers, however, 3D printers have become a staple tool that enables them to create models, prototypes, and various products out of materials including metal and plastic. Prior to the wide-spread use of this technology, engineers often had great difficulty conveying the potential of their product design to potential clients. While industrial 3D printers are being used increasingly in manufacturing centers, smaller desk-top printers are ideal for in-office or at-home use. Regardless of the branch of engineering you are involved in, you will be in need of a range of tools. Having the right tools on hand will not only make your job easier, but will also allow you to develop your skills on an ongoing basis.

PCB vs Breadboard

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today’s tutorial, we will have a look at PCB vs Breadboard. For the production of electronic engineering projects and electric circuits, numerous circuit board are used but the most common are PCB (printed circuit board) and breadboard. In printed circuit board there are different conductive layers of copper are designed for the construction of different circuits. Base material that also named as a substrate is created with the epoxy resin or fibreglass. Copper layers are designed on this substrate material and symbols of different components are also drawn on this for so easily circuit can be constructed. While in breadboard arrangments like PCB are not exists, and no permanent circuit can be made on it. The main benefit of the breadboard is that it can also be used for other circuits. But in PCB it is difficult to make it reusable. The breadboard name is given to this board due to its bread-like structure. In today's post, we will have a look at PCB and breadboard with the detailed and compare their different parameters. So let's get started with PCB vs Breadboard.

PCB vs Breadboard

What is PCB?
  • PCB stands for printed circuit board this circuitry board is used in different electronic projects, devices like mobile, computer, etc.
  • This board has many types like single-sided PCB, double-sided PCB, multilayer PCB, according to requirements of project and circuits.
  • This circuitry board is manufactured with the fibreglass, a resultant module is known as a base on which different layers of copper are made to create circuits.
  • Different electronic components symbols like a capacitor, resistance, ICs, etc are designed on these conductive layers do make a connection.
  • The printed circuit board is used in different medical instruments like an X-ray machine, computed tomography, etc.


  • PCBWay provides less cost and high quality printed circuit board. The headquarter of this famous PCB manufacturer is located in China but its services available all over the world.
  • Its most important features that urge me to use the services of this PCB manufacturer are, it provides PCB prototyping, less volume production and PCBA all in one packaging.
  • Almost every technician, an engineering student, electrical and electronic industries using PCB board manufactured by this PCB producer. You can see in a given figure the PCB that I purchased from PCBWay.
  • I am impressed with the quality of the boards, the delivery time and response to all my questions. Best price excellent service and speedy delivery. When I need another board I will certainly use this supplier.
  • PCBWay strives to be the easiest manufacturer for you to work with. PCBWay – PCB Prototype the Easy Way!
  • The main products manufactured by the PCBWay are HDMI, Server board, lift CPU Main control board, punch CPU, Industrial Motherboard, Lenovo, DSP board, GPRS Communication Products, wifi Module.
What is Breadboard?
  • The breadboard is such a circuitry board for which there is no need of solder device like a printed circuit board. That makes it effective for use more than on time.
  • In this board, there are numerous holes that are connected electrically with one another, components of circuitry are placed in these holes for circuit connections.
Breadboard Working
  • As we discussed earlier that we can use breadboard again and again for circuit creation. For circuit construction, we draw a sketch of that circuit and make connections of circuits according to designing.
  • There are two types of hole assembly at the surface of breadboard in centre two central layers of holes exits that have five holes in one column and at ends side, different holes are exits that used for input supply and power connection.
  • This board is best choice for such circuits that used integrated circuits, these ICs have a large number of pins so breadboard is the finest choice for them.

Advantages of Breadboard

  • These are some benefits of breadboard that make effective over the PCB.
  • Its main benefit is that if some connection is not according to circuit requirements than we can easily change it according to requirements.
  • The construction of different circuits is very easy as no fixed connection need for the layout of circuit.
  • After making one circuit we want to add or replace some components we can do it very easily.
  •  We can connect current meter for the for current measurement at any branch of circuitry, but in printed circuit board first, we need to remove a connection of circuitry than add resistance for calculation of current.

Advantages of PCB

  • These are some benefits of PCB over breadboard.
  • The circuit designed on this board for a long time and can be used in different electronic devices for circuit manufacturing.
  • In the printed circuit board large amount of current can pass as compared to breadboard, we can draw current paths for large current requirements.
  • We can also construct different points for exterior components linkage.
  • We can also connect heat absorber on this board to reduce the heating during circuit operation.
  • This circuit board is more common to use in different engineering projects breadboard.
  • Due to open wiring system on the breadboard, it looks complicated but conductive paths are designed on the PCB board so its circuit construction is very simple.
  • The connection on the board is very easy to understand on a printed circuit board while it not possible in a breadboard.

Should you use a PCB or a Breadboard?

  • Both of these board printed circuit board and breadboard has their own limitations and benefits that define where to use them. So let's discuss them one by one.
When to use a Breadboard?
  • The creation of circuits on this board is not permanent so it can be used for testing of different circuits before making them permanent.
  • These board can also be used for such circuits where less amount of current is required.
When to use a PCB?
  •  The printed circuit board is used in different circuits and electronic devices. After performing tests of different circuits on the breadboard we can design different projects on this board.
  • So it widely used in different electronic devices and instruments.
That is the detailed tutorial on PCB vs Breadboard, I have mentioned each and everything related to both of these board. Also, discuss these uses, advantage and disadvantage and disadvantage. If You have any question about these board ask in comment. Thanks for the next tutorial.

Guidelines for Writing an excellent Homework Paper

For most university students in Australia, dealing with all their homework is difficult. Australian universities have a very good reputation as education and research institutions. However, to get a degree from one of these universities, students have to work hard. And doing many assignments is part of this hard work. This is why many students entertain the idea of paying for help when they have a difficult assignment. Some students would like to ask someone to “do my assignment for me Australia, please.” You can pay to Assigncode to get a paper that you can use as an example to do your homework. This is a good solution when you do not know how to start writing. It is much easier to write a difficult assignment when you have some guidelines. Writing from scratch requires advanced writing skills. Some students lack such skills. It is fine. In such a case, paying for help is legit. An experienced writer can write for you a paper about difficult topics like math or physics. This company hires writers with proven experience and education to do your assignments with good quality. If you pay for help, you must get the service you deserve. This is not a problem with this company. They have a very professional approach. They do their best to ensure all students are satisfied with the papers they get. Besides good writing, the writer in charge of your order will include different math examples when it is necessary. For example, algebra equations, statistics, and other technical content can be included upon request. Do not worry. All the writers can craft a technically sound paper for you. Thus, do not hesitate to contact this company and ask, can you help me to do my homework?”

What if Submission Deadline is Short?

Yes, you can trust on Assigncode as it's a reliable company. This company offers several guarantees to make your experience with it more satisfactory. The following are some of them:
  • Punctual delivery. You can count on your paper for the date and time that you agreed with the writer. This is a guarantee. This company has managed to deliver 98.35% of all its orders on time;
  • Affordable prices. In most cases, prices are flexible and you can find very cheap deals. A technical paper for the undergraduate level usually commands a price of $29 a page with a 240-hour deadline. Prices increase if the deadline is shorter. Hence, you can save some money by placing your order with a reasonable deadline. Do not wait until the last moment to ask for help;
  • Experienced writers. This company hires former professors and researchers in AU to help students with their homework. Currently, the company has 324 active writers. Their expertise covers several technical disciplines. These experts are recruited through a very selective process that tests their different skills.
Place an order. You can count on your paper on the date you need it. Moreover, it will be done according to your specifications. There are some other advantages to using the service by Assigncode. One of them is privacy and confidentiality. Most students do not want anybody else knows that they paid for help with their assignments. As mentioned previously, this service is legit. There is nothing wrong with it. Unfortunately, many professors still frown on this type of assignment help service. Do not worry. This company has a very strict data protection policy. All the information you provide while placing an order is confidential. The company will use this information to complete your paper according to your needs. However, the information will never be shared with others outside the writer. Hence, you can confidently ask this company, “please, help me to do my assignment.” Whenever you say to yourself, “I need some help with my technical assignment,” contact this company. You can contact the 24/7 customer support. You can give them a call and discuss the paper you need. Or you can write them a message with the title “help me, please.” Placing an order online is not difficult. First, you have to create a personal account. You fill out an order form with the details about the paper that you need and some writers will contact you. You will be able to choose the writer that you deem most convenient. Then, you will get the paper you asked for.

Efficiency? Meet HVAC – The Air Conditioning Revolution

Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we will have a look at the Air Conditioning revolution brought by HVAC. Air conditioning is a mainstream engineering wonder, and much of the world relies on their HVAC for comfort and day-to-day living. Unfortunately, as a study in the Journal of Energy and Buildings found, HVAC systems come with a high environmental cost amounting to 40% of energy consumption in all residential sectors. This comes chiefly from heat transfer, but also from air cleaning processes and lost energy. Clearly, huge efficiencies need to be found in the HVAC/air conditioning sector – and innovation is providing.

The air we breathe

A large component of the inefficiency of HVAC is through the air filtration it undertakes. As outlined by Consumer Reports, air purifiers have a high energy cost when run consistently – and HVAC will often have them running throughout the year. Technology often achieves progress through miniaturization, and the same is true with HVAC. New 16x20x1 air filters and similar configurations work with HEPA technology to provide air filtration in a more efficient and less cumbersome way than current filter types. This means less need for strong airflow, less work for the HVAC system, and less energy input overall – meaning a more environmentally friendly solution.

The heat exchange

The other energy-costly component of HVAC is heat exchange. New innovation could lead to a huge overhaul in how this process is conducted. This, in turn, will lead to more efficiency and a lower carbon footprint for HVAC systems. A report by Brown University in outlined the use of an organic solvent that could help to rapidly convert water temperatures, boosting heat transfer capacity by 500%. This means that the energy requirements of HVAC systems can be vastly reduced. While work remains to be done to achieve the engineering framework required to make this work, it is “on its way.” Noting that other methods, such as antiparticle additives, are about a 10 th as effective as this, reckon that these new methods of operating the internal systems of an HVAC could have a transformative effect on the energy requirements of the industry – if mass produced.

Moving away from HVAC

What about other methods for cooling the air? Increasingly, airflow management in new build homes is being developed through integrated engineering. The Harvard HouseZero eschews the use of expensive HVAC in favour of low-energy integrated sensors within the home that can detect and calculate how best to address heat fluctuations. Using sophisticated air modeling and flow algorithms, it might open a window in a seemingly unrelated part of the home to cool a different room, and close it for the converse. Smart engineering may ultimately render the need for HVAC unnecessary, as homes can be effectively conditioned using only warm (or cold) outside airflow. For the time being, however, HVAC is king, and finding efficiencies within its build will be important to maintain comfort while tackling climate change. Fortunately, there is clearly a lot going on already. This is the case, whether it be in simple replacement of inefficient filters or micro-scale heat exchange engineering.
Syed Zain Nasir

I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=>My Google Profile+</a>

Published by
Syed Zain Nasir