Hey learners! Welcome to another exciting electrical experiment in Proteus. At the present day, we'll perform the inversion of voltage. For this purpose, we will use the implementation of Transformer as Step-up Transformer. Prior to start, let's have the basic information about the 12V to 220V Step up inverter using Transformer in Proteus. In this tutorial, we'll learn:
What is a 12V to 220V inverter?
What is the function of the transformer in the 12V to 220V inverter?
How can we implement the Step up inverter using a Transformer in Proteus?
What are some applications of the 12V to 220V inverter?
Moreover, there will be some useful pieces of information in DID YOU KNOW sections.;
12V to 220V inverter
In electronic appliances, the circuitry is designed so, that the appliance can work in a specific range of Voltage, Frequency and power etc. If these quantities are not supplied using these parameters, then the Appliance does not work ideally. For example, if the given voltage to a bulb is less than its voltage range it may be lightened dim. or if the voltage is given more than the range of the bulb, the circuitry of the bulb may be damaged or even it may burst.
In such a case, the invertors are used that inverts the voltage (or other electrical quantities according to type) into the suitable range is used. Therefore, the 12V to 220V inverter can be defined as:
"An invertor is the electrical circuit that converts the 12V Direct current into 220V Alternating current and alters supplied voltage range into required range."
By using the 12V to 220V inverter the electrical or electronic circuits, we can use the electrical circuits that work on the 220V even when the supply from the source is 12V.
DID YOU KNOW??????????????
"The Inverters play a life saving role in the appliances that have a sensitive circuit to voltage and current. Even the High voltage more than the range of the device can burn the circuit so badly that it may require to change the whole circuitry or the motherboard of the device."
Working of 12V to 220V invertor
in the process of 12V to 220V inversion, three major process takes place:
We use simple circuitry to perform each task. Based upon the functionality, we use three devices in the circuit of 12V to 220V inverter. These are:
Role of Battery in 12V to 220V Transformer
It is obvious that every circuit requires some sort of energy to perform the required function. In 12V to 220V Inverter, we use a 12V battery that will be supplied to whole components. The 12V battery performs the "Supply" process in the 12V to 220V Inverter.
Role of Transistor in 12V to 220V Inverter
The process of conversion of direct current into alternating current requires a mechanism that allows just the positive side of the sinusoidal wave of the Alternating current to pass through it and hence one can get only one side of the output wave of current.
In the case of low and medium applications, power Transistors are used. The reason behind this logic is, the Transistors:
are Less in cost.
have low output Impedance.
Allow most of the power to pass through it.
We know that the Transistor work as a switch. the two type regions of the characteristic graph of the Transistor are used in this experiment.
Saturation region: In this region the transistor is biased. The collector-Emitter and the Collector-base junctions are forward biased. The collector has the minimum voltage and the collector current is maximum.
Cut-off Region: In this region, the Transistor does not allow the current to pass through it.
Role of Transformer in 12V to 220V Inverter
The Transformer is the mechanical device used o transform the voltages from its input to its output. It has two sides that have coils around them. In our experiment, we use the Step-up Transformer that is introduced as:
"The type of Transformer that is used to convert the low voltage and high current supplied to its input to the high voltage and low current at its output is called the step up Transformer."
Hence the voltage from the Transistor that is rectified and has the direction only on one side is fed at its input. The Transformer transforms the low voltage into the high voltage. In this way, we get a high voltage. The ability of the transform to amplify the voltage depends upon the number of turns of the coil on its terminals.
"If you get a transformer that have the same mechanical structure but it has the numbers of turns in primary coil grater than the secondary coil then it is called the step down Transformer. "
Implementation of 12V to 220V inverter using Transformer
At the present moment, we'll use all our concepts given above to design the circuit for the 12V to 220V Inverter. Just follow the simple steps given next.
Power up your Proteus circuit.
Choose the material given below.
Material Required
3WATT68R (This resistor works at the 68R resistance automatically.)
Trans-2P3S (Step-up Transformer)
Click at the components one after the other and arrange the components one after the other at the working area.
Left-click at the Battery and choose "Rotate 180 degree".
The screen should look like this:
Change the values of some of the components by following the table given next:
Bulb Resistance
Transformer Primary Inductance
Transformer Total Secondary Inductance
Connect the elements with the help of the diagram given below:
Simulate the circuit by clicking at "Play" button given on the lower-left corner of the screen.
You will observe that the bulb is light although it is set as a 220V device and the supplied voltage is just 12V.
Applications of 12V to 220V Inverter using Transformer
To charge the small batteries of vehicles such as cars.
Low power Alternating Current Motors.
Solar Power system.
Uninterrupted Power Supplies (UPS).
Reaction power controllers.
Adapted power Filters.
Adjustable speed Alternating Current Motor Drivers.
Consequently, we saw about an electrical circuit today that converts the 12V from its input to 220V at its output using the Transformer. This experiment has many interesting applications. Stay with us for more experiments.
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