Hi Guys! Hope you’re well today. I welcome you on board. In this post today, I’ll detail the 7 best Arduino starter kits for beginners.
Arduino boards are particularly introduced for people with little to no knowledge about programming and electronics. These boards are the improvised version of microcontrollers. If you’re a student or someone planning to get your hands dirty with some electronic projects, Arduino boards are a great way to whet your appetite.
Arduino kits house many essential components required to start working with Arduino boards. These kits are developed for people who struggle to get a hold of the nitty-gritty of programming Arduino boards. These Arduino basic kits come with instruction manuals that detail the step-by-step process to make the Arduino projects with the given components.
I suggest you read this post all the way through as I’ll walk you through the starter kits to make a range of Arduino starter kit projects.
Let’s get started.
7 Best Arduino Starter Kits for Beginners
The following are the 7 Best Arduino starter kits for beginners.
1. Official Arduino Starter Kit
The official Arduino starter kit tops the list. The kit comes with a range of components to start working with Arduino boards. It also includes a 170-page book that details 15 electronic projects that you can develop using the components available in the starter kit.
Besides English, this book is available in many other languages including French, German, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Italian. This book includes codes and step-by-step tutorials to make electronic projects with the components provided.
The official Arduino Start Kit comes with the following components:
Arduino Projects Book
USB cable
Breadboard 400 Pins
Arduino UNO R3
9V battery snap
Easy-to-assemble wooden base
Solid core jumper wires (70)
Phototransistors (6)
Pushbuttons (10)
Stranded jumper wire (1)
10KO Potentiometers (6)
Tilt sensor
Piezo capsule
Temperature sensor TMP36
Small DC motor (6/9V)
Easy-to-assemble wooden base
MOSFET Transistors IRF520 (2)
LEDs (1 x Bright White, 1 x RGB, 8 x Red, 8 x Green, 8 x Yellow and 3 x Blue)
Small servo motor
H-bridge motor driver L293D
Capacitors (5 x 100nF, 3 x 100µF, 5 x 100pF)
Transparent gels (red, green, blue)
Diodes 1N4007 (5)
40 pin male header strip
Optocouplers 4N35 (2)
Resistors (20 x 220O, 5 x 560O, 5 x 1KO, 5 x 4.7O, 10 x 10KO, 5 x 1MO, 5 x 10MO)
All these components are packaged in a single box. Using these components you can make the following 15 projects. The book includes step-by-step tutorials to make these projects.
Color Mixing Lamp
Spaceship Interface Design
Touchy-Feel Lamp
Digital Hourglass
Hacking Buttons
Motorized Pinwheel
Mood Cue
Keyboard Instrument
Crystal Ball
Light Theremin
Knock Lock
Tweak the Arduino Logo
All components included in the package are high quality and ensure the remarkable performance of the kit. This kit contains 2KB RAM for storing the information. You’ll get a lot of high-quality components the reason this kit is more expensive than other kits available on the list. Moreover, this kit doesn’t include the software, which you need to install from the Arduino official website. So, if you want basic components in the kit and money is no problem for you, this gorgeous kit resonates with your needs and requirements.
2. Kuman for Arduino Project Complete Starter Kit
Kuman Arduino starter kit is another valuable beast on the list. You’ll get the eBook along with this starter kit that comes with 44 components from which you can make 23 electronic projects.
In the eBook, everything is detailed in step-by-step tutorials to learn and make electronic projects from the available components.
The Kuman Arduino Starter Kit includes the following contents:
Kuman UNO R3 Development Board
Mini breadboard
ULN2003 stepper motor driver board
LEDs (5 x Red, 5 x Green, 5 x Yellow, 1 x three-color)
Vibration Sensor (2)
Photoresistor (3)
Adjustable potentiometer
LM35 temperature sensor
Infrared receiver
Keycap (4)
Flame sensor
Active buzzer (tone generator)
Key switch (4)
Passive buzzer (piezo buzzer)
Jumper cap
Remote Control
Large breadboard
Breadboard module
Component box
16 x 2 Screen LCD
DuPont line 10pin
Breadboard line (30)
8*8 dot matrix
HC-SR04 module
4 digit 8 segment tube
IC 74HC595
Battery Holder
1 digit 8 segment tube
40pin pin header
Resistors (5 x 220O, 5 x 330O, 5 x 1KO, 5 x 10KO)
Battery 9V
Thermistor module
Touch sensor
CD with tutorial
Prototype extension board
USB cable
Plastic box
5V stepper motor
The best part is almost all basic electronic components are included in this kit for beginners to get familiar with the Arduino boards and make projects with the given components. No advanced level components are added to the list, every person with little to no electronic and programming knowledge can use these components. The material used for these contents is top-notch and the price is less than the official Arduino starter kit.
All components are packed in the plastic box to help you stay organized and use them based on your needs and requirements.
3. Elegoo Mega 2560 Project Ultimate Starter Kit
Elegoo Mega 2560 is one of the best starter kits available in the market. This Elegoo kit comes with more than 200 pieces of components that anyone can use to make the electronic project. The sensors and modules are added to the kit including water level sensor, RFID reader, ultrasonic sensor, motion sensor, and accelerometer/gyroscope module. While basic components include a potentiometer, resistors, and LEDs.
Moreover, it includes a book with 35 lessons for anyone to get started with the kit. The Arduino Mega 2560 projects are detailed in an easy-to-follow guide and the kit contains code and images of assembled circuits, helping you better understand the nature of the components included.
The Arduino Mega kit includes the following components:
LEDs (5 x Yellow, 5 x Red, 5 x Green, 5 x Blue, 1 x RGB)
MEGA2560 Controller Board
Ceramic Capacitor(22pf & 104pf) (10)
Stepper motor
Diode Rectifier (1N4007) (5)
Servo motor
Joystick module
Ultrasonic sensor
Photoresistor (2)
IR receiver
RFID module
DHT11 Humidity and Temperature Module
You may find difficulty in getting familiar with this kit at the start, but once you get used to it, you’ll start loving it eventually.
This starter kit includes an Arduino clone developed by Elegoo. Which works almost similar to the official Arduino board. Elegoo pays special heed to ensure the quality of the product and some wires and components are pre-soldered, saving your time to make the electronic project.
4. SunFounder Project Super Starter Kit
This is another kit to help you get familiar with the Arduino boards. You’ll get more than 200 components in the kit from which you can make around 25 amazing projects. This is cheap, this is high quality, best for beginners.
Moreover, you’ll get the DVD stuffed with step-by-step tutorials to make different Arduino projects with the available components.
It comes with a UNO R3 controller board and you can extend the functionality of this board by incorporating it with other Arduino boards including, Arduino Mega 328, Arduino Mega 2560, and Arduino Nano.
The SunFounder Super Starter Kit includes the following components:
Project Box
40 Pin Header
Shift Resister 74HC595N (2)
LEDs (1 x RGB, 16 x Red, 2 x White, 2 x Green, 2 x Yellow)
555 Timer IC
H-Bridge Motor Driver L293D
Accelerometer ADXL335
Optocoupler 4N35 (2)
LCD1602 Character Display
Dot Matrix Display 8×8
Rotary Encoder
Push-Button (5)
Resistors (8 x 220O, 4 x 1KO, 4 x 10KO, 1 x 1MO, 1 x 5.1MO)
Potentiometer 50KO
USB Cable
DC Motor
Jumper Wire Male to Male (65)
PNP Transistor S8550 (2)
Dupont Wire Female to Male (20)
Passive Buzzer
7-Segment Character Display (2)
Diode (4)
NPN Transistor S8050 (2)
Capacitors (4 x 100nF, 4 x 10nF)
All basic components are included in the kit to help beginners make a range of electronic projects with an Arduino board.
The components are packed in a plastic box with different sections, helping you arrange the components, and making it easy for you to find the required component for the project.
The components are manufactured with high-quality material, ensuring the high performance of these components during the execution of electronic projects.
SunFounder MEGA2560 board is an Arduino clone though, it is fully compatible with the Arduino software.
5. Elegoo UNO Project Super Starter Kit
This is another quality product introduced by Elegoo. It is good for beginners to get familiar with the Arduino board and go from basic to advanced level.
The kit includes a CD that comes with 22 lessons to use the kit with the available components. The best part? It is cheaper than the Arduino official starter kit and contains almost the same features required for beginners to learn and make awesome Uno R3 projects from the components included. This kit features Elegoo Uno R3.
The following are the components added to this Elegoo Uno kit:
These components are neatly packaged in a box. What makes this kit special? The affordable price of this Uno R3 Starter kit helps it stand out from the rest of the kits available in the market.
6. Vilros Arduino Uno 3 Ultimate Starter Kit
This Vilros Arduino Starter Kit is stuffed with all basic components to make electronic projects with the Arduino boards.
This kit comes with a Genuine Arduino Uno Rev3 Board from which you can develop a range of Arduino projects. It contains more than 190 parts and components that you can use for electronic projects.
Developed with high-quality material, this kit includes a 72-page instruction guide that details the instructions to make Arduino projects with the given components.
This Vilros Arduino Starter Kit comes with the following components:
1N4148 Diodes (2)
Arduino & Breadboard Holder
Bread Board
Shift Register 74HC595
Arduino Uno R3
NPN Transistors P2N2222A (2)
Temperature Sensor TMP36
Small Servo
5V Relay
USB Cable
Jumper Wires (65)
10K Trimpot
Piezo Buzzer
DC Motor with wires
Big 12mm Buttons (2)
Resistors (45 x 330O and 45 x 10KO)
LEDs (1x RGB, 10 x Red, 10 x Yellow)
This Arduino kit is better for beginners who want to get a hold of different components with the Arduino boards.
7. Smraza Ultimate Starter Kit
Next comes in the list is Smraza Ultimate Starter Kit. It comes with a PDF file that contains step-by-step tutorials for more than 15 projects - source code for all those projects is also included in the PDF file.
This kit includes 150 basic components that you can use with the Arduino to make electronic projects. Everything is neatly packed in a plastic container, helping you stay organized and use the components based on your needs and requirements.
Again, this kit is best for beginners as it contains all the basic components that are compatible with the Arduino boards.
The Smraza Ultimate Starter Kit includes the following contents:
Not only you can make some basic Arduino projects with this kit, but you can also expand this kit with the sensors and make some advanced Arduino projects. The best part? Some of the components are pre-soldered, saving your time to make electronic projects, helping you stay focused on the programming and other parts of the projects.
That’s all for today. Hope you find this article helpful. If you have any questions, you can approach me in the section below, I’d love to help you the best way I can. Feel free to share your valuable feedback and suggestions around the content we share so we keep coming back with quality content customized to your exact needs and requirements. Thank you for reading the article.
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