What is difference between PCB and PCBA
What is a PCB?
- The printed circuit board is a circuitry board that used to creation of circuits. On this circuitry board, there are numerous layers of copper designed for circuits creation.
- The base material used for this circuit board is manufactured by the epoxy resin and glass fibre.
- This circuit board is available in one layer to many layers according to circuitry for which it used like double-sided PCB, multi-sided PCB.
- In simple circuits single-layer printed circuit board is used while in complicated circuits like the motherboard of a computer, GPS (global positioning system) double layer or multilayer PCB is used.
- In electronic devices like televisions, mobile phones, and other electronic devices used printed circuit board their circuitry construction.
- With the usage of technical instruments, it also used in medical instruments like CT (computed tomography) scan machine, X-Ray, etc.

- PCBWay is a famous printed circuit board producer company that offers different features and services related to PCB. Its main services are given here.
- It is located in china.
- It delivers an order to clients within a given time and uses DHL for delivering orders
- It provides prototypes fabrications within working twenty-four hours.
- Its management team consists of more fifty professionals technicians and engineers
- Its provided quality is satisfying the clients all over the world.

PCB Designing
- There is numerous option available in the manufacturing of printed circuit board every single board of PCB has its own designing and layout according to project requirements.
- The PCB manufacturers used computed aided designing techniques for assembly of a printed circuit board.
- With the using of different software, PCB producer should also have skills to provide the board according to circuit and customer designing requirements.
- After making a layout of the circuit a sample of that circuit is copied on a plastic paper sheet to make some corrections.
Types of PCB
- There are numerous types of a printed circuit board according to designing and circuitry for which it to be used. These types are listed here.
- Single-Sided PCB
- Double-Sided PCB
- Multi-Layer PCB
- In this type of printed circuit board, the conductive layers are designed on one side of board and all circuits are manufactured on this PCB side.
- In this PCB both sides of the board are used for the construction of circuits and both sides have a conductive layer. Its main benefits are that both sides elements are connected with each other through holes that are already designed on it.
- In this type of printed circuit board, there are more than two-layers are manufactured that has their own conductive paths and circuits are manufactured on each layer according to user requirement.
Material used For PCB Manufacturing
- For the manufacturing of PCB, the base substance normally called substrate is manufactured with the fibreglass or epoxy resins.
- Some boards have substrate manufactured by the fibreglass and epoxy resin.
- Some manufacturers used rein-forced phenolic resin blended with the copper, PCB production by this process is less costly than other PCBs.
- Such a circuit board is normally used household devices and electric circuitry.
- Different layers of copper are designed on a substrate material, for protection of this board from outer environment layer tin and the lead mixture is coated.
What is PCBA?
- PCBA stands for printed circuit board assembly. It is a board that we have after complete circuit manufacturing and assembly of different elements.
- If we compare a simple printed circuit board with a printed circuit board assembly or PCBA, then we will find that the PCB is only circuit board while PCBA is circuit board having completer packaging and assembly of different components.
- The elements that are used to make circuitry in printed circuit board assembly are an inductor, capacitor, diodes resistances, etc.

Technique Used in PCBA
- There are 2 main methods used in printed circuit board assembly first one through-hole technology and the second one is surface-mounted. Let's discuss these two with detailed.
- This technique is the best option for small circuitry and elements used in circuits. This process uses 3 different steps for the assembly of PCBA.
- In the First step at the surface of the circuit board, solder paste is spread.
- After that, all components of the respective circuitry are assembled on their respective places.
- In the final step, the board is kept in an oven of five hundred degrees celsius to make solder paste soft so circuit components get assembled properly.

- In this technique there are three steps are followed like the surface-mounted technique. In first step elements of circuitry are manually assembled on the board.
- In the second step connections of all elements are checked either they are correct or not.
- After that PCBA is passed through a liquid solder at five hundred degrees Fahrenheit.

- Till now I hope you have learned detailed on PCB and PCBA now we discuss their main differences.

- The manufacturing od PCB is very simple than the PCBA. In printed circuit board assembly we use special techniques for circuits designing and used an oven for fine connections of components.
- The price of PCB is less than the PCBA, in PCBA due to complex circuitry different expensive components are used.
- The printed circuit board is just a simple board have no component for circuitry to get or provide supply.
- While in PCBA all necessary components are available for the proper working of the circuit.
- The PCB is available in vacuum packaging and a printed circuit board is anti-static packaging.