How to use IF Loop in C#, IF Loop in C#, if loop c#, c# if loop, if c#, C# if, c sharp if loop, if loop in c sharp
Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing great. Today, we are gonna have a look at IF Loops in C# and it's 8th tutorial in C# series. So far, we have discussed some basic concepts in C# and now we are ready to get our hands on Loops in C#. C#, as any other programming language, supports a lot of loop structures, we will discuss each one of them separately in our coming tutorials. Today, we will discuss the simplest of them all, which is IF loop, so let's get started with How to use IF Loop in C#:

How to use IF Loop in C#

  • IF Loop in C# takes a Boolean expression as a condition and if this condition is TRUE, the compiler executes the code inside IF loop { } and if the condition is wrong, the compiler simply ignores the code.
  • Here's the syntax of IF Loop in C#:
if (boolean-expression)
	// Code will come here, execute if the Condition is TRUE.
  • Let's create a simple program, where we ask the user to enter his Physics marks and the program will tell the user whether he is passed or failed.
  • I have used If loop and the condition I have used is, if the marks are less than 50 then student has failed & if its equal or greater than 50 then the user has passed.
  • Here's the code for IF loop in C#, shown in below figure:
How to use IF Loop in C#, IF Loop in C#, if loop c#, c# if loop, if c#, C# if, c sharp if loop, if loop in c sharp
  • You can see in above figure that I have entered 25, now when the compiler will come to first IF loop, it will check the condition (Marks >= 50), which is not true as the number we entered is less than 50, so the compiler will simply ignore this IF loop and will move on to second IF Loop.
  • The condition in second IF Loop is (Marks < 50), and clearly this condition is TRUE, so our compiler will enter in this IF Loop, enclosed by curly brackets { }, and will print out "You failed the exam.".
  • So, in simple words:
    • IF condition is TRUE  => Execute.
    • IF condition is FALSE => Ignore.
  • Few commonly used conditional operators of IF Loops are:
    • Equal to ( == )
    • Not Equal to ( != )
    • Greater than ( > )
    • Less than ( < )
    • Greater than or Equal to ( >= )
    • Less than or Equal to ( <= )
  • We could also use multiple conditions in single IF Loop using these two operators:
    • && ( AND ) => it returns TRUE, if both conditions are TRUE.
    • || ( OR ) => it returns TRUE, if either of two conditions is TRUE.
  • Let's edit out code a little and add a 3rd condition, as shown in below figure:
How to use IF Loop in C#, IF Loop in C#, if loop c#, c# if loop, if c#, C# if, c sharp if loop, if loop in c sharp
  • Here, I have used three IF Loops in above code and have used && operator in second IF Loop.
  • So, if the number is in between 50 & 90, then second loop will execute, both conditions have to be TRUE.
  • I hope you have understood How to use IF Loop in C#, now let's move a little forward and have a look at IF Else Loop in C#, which is kind of an extension of IF Loop.

IF-Else Loop in C#

  • Instead of using separate IF Loops for different conditions, we can use single IF-Else Loop.
  • In our first code, we have used two IF Loops to check whether student has passed or failed.
  • Let's rewrite that code using IF-Else Loop, as shown in below figure:
How to use IF Loop in C#, IF Loop in C#, if loop c#, c# if loop, if c#, C# if, c sharp if loop, if loop in c sharp
  • As you can see in above figure, first I have used IF Loop and placed a condition that if (Marks >= 50) then print "you passed the exam" otherwise simply print "you failed the exam".
  • Else condition is like the default option, if "IF" Loop failed to execute then "ELSE" will be executed and if "IF" loop is successful, then "ELSE" will be ignored.
  • That was the case for two IF Loops, but what if we have more than two IF Loops, as in our second code, we have 3 IF Loops, let's rewrite that code using IF-Else Loop:
How to use IF Loop in C#, IF Loop in C#, if loop c#, c# if loop, if c#, C# if, c sharp if loop, if loop in c sharp
  • The above code is working exactly the same as our code with 3 IF Loops but here we are using IF-Else Loop.
  • In IF-Else Loop, the first loop will be "if" loop and the last one will be "else" loop while all the intermediary loops will be "else if" loops.
  • Here's the final code for today's lecture:
using System;

namespace TEPProject
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.Write("Enter your Physics marks: ");
            int Marks = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            if (Marks >= 90)
                Console.WriteLine("You got A+ grade. \n\n");
            else if (Marks >= 50 && Marks < 90)
                Console.WriteLine("You passed the exam. \n\n");
                Console.WriteLine("You failed the exam. \n\n");

So, that was all for today. I hope now you can easily use IF-Else Loop in C#, if you have any problems, ask in comments. In our next tutorial, we will have a look at How to use Switch statement in C#. Till then take care & have fun !!! :)