In today's tutorial, we are going to have a look at few Common Operators in C#. It's 4th tutorial in C# series and before going forward, we have to ...
Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we are going to have a look at few Common Operators in C#. It's 4th tutorial in C# series and before going forward, we have to first understand the working operation of these C# operators.
We have a lot of operators in C# but I have discussed few of them, which are most commonly used. If you got into any trouble then ask in comments. So, let's get started with Common Operators in C#:
Common Operators in C#
Operators are used to create a link, relation or operation between two entities/variables. Few of these C# operators are as follows:
Assignment Operator is used to assign a value from one entity to another.
Let's say we initialize an integer with value 5, so what we need to write is int i = 5; so this assignment operator has assigned a value of 5 to integer i.
2. Arithmetic Operators ( + , - , * , / , % )
Arithmetic Operators( + , - , * , / , % ) are used for performing different mathematical operations between two entities/variables.
Each arithmetic operator has its own mathematical operation associated with it. For example:
( + ) is used to add two numbers i.e. int a = 5 + 10; so compiler will first apply the arithmetic operator (+) and will add 5 & 10 and after that will use assignment operator to assign the value 15 to variable a.
( - ) is used to subtract two numbers i.e. int b = 10 - 5; result will be 5.
( * ) is use to multiply two numbers i.e. int c = 10 * 5; result will be 50.
( / ) is used to divide two numbers i.e. int d = 10 / 2; result will be 5.
( % ) is used to get the remainder of two numbers i.e. int e = 22 % 4; result will be 2.
Comparison Operators ( == , != , > , < , >= , <= ) are used to compare two entities with one another.
We will discuss them in detail in Loops section while discussing if loop.
a == b, it will check whether a is equal to b.
a != b, a is not equal to b.
a > b, a is greater than b.
a < b, a is less than b.
a >= b, a is greater than or equal to b.
a <= b, a is less than or equal to b.
I am using few Comparison operators in this right figure.
4. Conditional Operators ( && , | | )
Conditional Operators ( && , | | ) are used to create a relation between two conditions.
This one will also be discussed in more detail in IF Loops section.
&& , It is pronounced as AND, this operator makes sure that both conditions must be true.
| | , It is pronounced as OR, this operator returns TRUE if either of the two conditions is true.
I have placed a conditional operator in right figure, I have placed a check that value must be greater than 10 and less than 20.
5. Ternary Operator ( ? : )
Ternary operator is one of the coolest feature of C# and comes quite handy at times.
It's a simple form of if loop, which reduces the IF Else Loop code in single line. We will discuss it in C# IF Loop lecture.
6. Null Coalescing Operator ( ?? )
Null Coalescing Operator ( ?? ) is used to convert nullable value into non-nullable value.
Let's say we have two integers a and b defined as:
int? a = 15; (nullable variable)
int b = 0; (non-nullable variable)
Now we want to save value of a into b so if you write a = b; compiler will generate an error.
So, in order to do that you need to use Null Coalescing Operator ( ?? ) as follow:
int b = a ?? 0;
if the value of a is null, then b will become 0. It's called the default value, you can set it to anything, I've made it 0.
Complete Code
Here's the complete code used in this tutorial:
using System;
namespace TEPProject
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.Write("Enter Numer 1: ");
int Num1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("Enter Numer 2: ");
int Num2 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
int Total = Num1 + Num2;
if (Total > 10 && Total < 25)
Console.WriteLine("Total count is {0}", Total);
Console.WriteLine("Total count is less than 10 or greater than 25");
I hope you have learnt something from today's tutorial. Let me know if you have any questions in comments. Take care & have fun !!! :)
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