Introduction to 74ls04
- The logic gates of this unit use silicon gate CMOS (Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor) expertise to achieve working speeds alike to LSTTL (Low-Power Schottky Transistor-Transistor Logic) gates, with the less power ingesting of normal CMOS (Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor) incorporated circuitry.
- All components of the 74 series have the capability to run ten devices have the ability to drive 10 LSTTL (Low-Power Schottky Transistor-Transistor Logic) loading device.
- The 74-HCT logic groups working is pin well-matched with the normal 74LS logic sequence.
- This module is used for such circuits where the inversion of different logic is desired.
- Inversion logic gats in these modules give the changed outputs if the input is one then the output will be zero.
- This device consists of 6 not gate.
- If you need during your working (transistor-transistor logic) TTL it will be a good option for these operations.
- It is less costly instruments and easily extensible in marketplaces and it used in many circuits for inversion purpose.
Pinout of 74ls04
- These are the main pinouts of 74ls04 which are described below.
Pin# Type Parameters Pin#1 1A It is the input pinout of gate one. Pin#3 2A It is the input of pinout of gate two. Pin#5 3A It is the input pinout of gate three. Pin#9 4A It is the input pin of gate four. Pin#11 5A It is the input pinout of gate five. Pin#13 6A It s the input pinout of gate six. Pin#7 GND It is the ground terminal. Pin#14 Vcc This pin is connected with the positive polarity of voltages. Pin#2 1Y It is the output pin of gate one. Pin#4 2Y It is the output pin of gate two. Pin#6 3Y It is the output pinout of gate three. Pin#8 4Y it is the output pin of gate four. Pin#10 5Y It is the output pin of gate five. Pin#12 6Y It is the output pin of gate six. - Now we see the pinout diagram.

Features of 74ls04
- These are the main features of 74ls04.
- This module works on the plus 4.75 volts to plus 5.25.
- The extreme voltage values which this module can bear is plus seven volts.
- The extreme current which every not gate circuit of this device can bear is eight milli-ampere.
- This component is not constructed with the lead Pb.
- Its outputs are a type of transistor-transistor logic.
- The value of its extreme rising timing is fifteen nanoseconds.
- The extreme value of this device falling time is fifteen nanoseconds.
- It works amount the temperature ranges of zero Celcius to seventy Celsius.
Application of 74ls04
- These are many applications of this device. It has very importance in inversion circuits. Few of its applications are explain here discuss them.
- It is a Universal use logic instrument which used in the different logic circuit.
- It is used in different servers.
- It used in different storage module to store data.
- This module is also used in different personal computers and notebooks as a storing device.
- It also used in different digital reluctances circuits and instruments.
- This module is used in different networking systems.
- It also used in different Digital instruments and networks.