LED Blinking using Raspberry Pi 3, led with pi 3, pi led blinking, led blinking in pi 3, led blinking pi,led pi, pi led, led in pi 3
Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we are gonna have a look at LED Blinking using Raspberry Pi 3. It's our first embedded project on Pi 3 and its quite simple. In our previous tutorials on Raspberry Pi 3, we have seen How to install Rasbian on SD Card for Pi 3 and then we have also setup HDMI LCD with Pi 3. So, now our raspberry Pi 3 is ready to program. In today's tutorial, we will interface a single LED with digital Pin of Raspberry Pi and then we will design a simple code in Python which will turn this LE ON and OFF. It will be quite simple and I will guide you step by step, but if you got into any trouble then ask in comments and I will help you out. So, let's get starteed with LEd Blinking using Raspberry Pi 3:

LED Blinking using Raspberry Pi 3

  • On our previous tutorials, we have already set up our computer with raspberry Pi 3. If you haven't read those articles then you must go through them first.
  • So, here's our final setup as shown in below figure:
LED Blinking using Raspberry Pi 3, led with pi 3, pi led blinking, led blinking in pi 3, led blinking pi,led pi, pi led, led in pi 3
  • You must have noticed in above figure that we have an extra Bread Board, which was not present in our Previous Setup.
  • I have placed an LED on this Bread board and here's its circuit diagram:
LED Blinking using Raspberry Pi 3, led with pi 3, pi led blinking, led blinking in pi 3, led blinking pi,led pi, pi led, led in pi 3
  • I would recommend you to use Bread Board but if you can manage to connect legs of resistor and LED then that's fine as well. :P
  • Here's a close look of this LED placed in Bread Board.
LED Blinking using Raspberry Pi 3, led with pi 3, pi led blinking, led blinking in pi 3, led blinking pi,led pi, pi led, led in pi 3
  • Now we have successfully designed our simple electronic circuit.
  • It's time to start moving towards coding part.
  • We are gonna use Python language that's why I am gonna open pre installed tool in raspbian named as Python 3 (IDLE).
  • We are gonna use this environment to design our python code.
  • So click on your Menu > Programming > Python 3 (IDLE), as shown in below figure:
LED Blinking using Raspberry Pi 3, led with pi 3, pi led blinking, led blinking in pi 3, led blinking pi,led pi, pi led, led in pi 3
  • Python 3 will open up, so click on File and then New File to create a seperate File for this project, as shown in below figure:
LED Blinking using Raspberry Pi 3, led with pi 3, pi led blinking, led blinking in pi 3, led blinking pi,led pi, pi led, led in pi 3
  • You can give a name to this New File, as I have give it Blink.py , .py is the extension for python files.
  • In this Blink.py, we are gonna write our code, which will blink the LED, here's our code:
LED Blinking using Raspberry Pi 3, led with pi 3, pi led blinking, led blinking in pi 3, led blinking pi,led pi, pi led, led in pi 3
  • Copy the below code and paste it in your Blink.py file as shown in above figure.
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time

LED = 11 # pin11
print(" ******** LED Blinking using Raspberry Pi 3 ********* ")
print(" **** Designed by www.TheEngineeringProjects.com **** ")
GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # We are accessing GPIOs according to their physical location
GPIO.setup(LED, GPIO.OUT) # We have set our LED pin mode to output
GPIO.output(LED, GPIO.LOW) # When it will start then LED will be OFF

while True: #Compiler will keep on executing this loop (infinite loop
GPIO.output(LED, GPIO.HIGH) # led on
time.sleep(2) #delay
GPIO.output(LED, GPIO.LOW) # led off
  • You can also download this Blink.py file by clicking below button:

[dt_default_button link="https://www.theengineeringprojects.com/RaspberryPi3/LED Blinking using Raspberry Pi 3.rar" button_alignment="default" animation="fadeIn" size="medium" default_btn_bg_color="" bg_hover_color="" text_color="" text_hover_color="" icon="fa fa-chevron-circle-right" icon_align="left"]Download Blink.py File[/dt_default_button]

  • When you run this Blink.py File by pressing F5, then your LED will start blinking. Here's the screenshot of LED in ON state:
LED Blinking using Raspberry Pi 3, led with pi 3, pi led blinking, led blinking in pi 3, led blinking pi,led pi, pi led, led in pi 3
  • So, that's how you can interact with hardware pins of Pi 3.
I hope after following today's tutorial you can quite easily design this LED Blinking using Raspberry Pi 3. If you got into any troubles then ask in comments and I will sort them out. In the next tutorial, we are gonna have a look at How to Create a GUI in Python. Till then Take care and have fun !!! :)