I have designed this Line Following Robotic Waiter using Arduino UNO board. I have also shared the code below and have given all the instructions but still if you got into any problem then ask in comments and I will solve your problems. I have also shared a video below which will show you the working of Line Following robotic Waiter. So, let's get started with it:
Line Following Robotic Waiter
First of all, let's have an overview of this Line Following Robotic Waiter:
- In this project, I have designed an arena which has four tables on it as shown in below figure:

- The robot will start from the Table 1 side and whenever someone call it from any table then it will reach that table and take the order.
- After taking the order it will move back and will reach to the starting point again and wait for the next table call.
- Now let's have a look at the components required to design thi Line Following Robotic Waiter:
- Let's have a look at the components list, which is required for designing this Robot. Here it is:
- Arduino UNO
- DC Motors
- RF Module
- 2 Relay Board
- IR Sensors
- These are the components required in order to design this Line following robotic waiter.
Mechanical Design
- I have designed a three wheeler robot in which there were two wheels at the front side with DC motors while a free caster wheel at the back side.
- I have used Acrylic Sheet as the body of the robot.
- The DC Motor I have used for designing this project is shown in the below figure:

- The caster wheel used is shown in below figure:

- The coupled DC gear Motor with wheel is shown in below figure:

- So I have designed two of such coupled motors and then combining all the above things together, we finally designed our Line Following Robotic Waiter as shown in below figure:

- Now our mechanical Design is ready so let's design the electronic hardware:
Electronic Circuit Design
- First of all, I have designed the DC Motor Driver which is also called 2 Relay Board.
- This circuit diagram is shown in below figure:

- Now in order to apply the signals to move the Motors I have used Arduino UNO board.
- Moreover I have placed four IR sensors below this robot.
- Two of these IR sensors are used for line tracking while the remaining two were placed on the sides for detecting the tables on both sides.
- I have also designed a power supply to convert 12V into 5V.
- The circuit diagram of power supply is as follows:

- So, now let's have a look at the Arduino code required for Line Following Robotic Waiter:
Arduino Code
- Here's the Arduino Code requried for Line Following Robotic Waiter.
#define motorL1 8 #define motorL2 9 #define motorR1 10 #define motorR2 11 #define PwmLeft 5 #define PwmRight 6 #define SensorR 2 #define SensorL 3 #define Sensor3 A0 #define Sensor4 A1 #define TableA A4 #define TableB A2 #define TableC A5 #define TableD A3 int OriginalSpeed = 200; int TableCount = 0; int TableCheck = 0; int RFCheck = 10; void setup() { Serial.begin (9600); pinMode(motorR1, OUTPUT); pinMode(motorR2, OUTPUT); pinMode(motorL1, OUTPUT); pinMode(motorL2, OUTPUT); pinMode(PwmLeft, OUTPUT); pinMode(PwmRight, OUTPUT); pinMode(SensorL, INPUT); pinMode(SensorR, INPUT); pinMode(Sensor3, INPUT); pinMode(Sensor4, INPUT); pinMode(TableA, INPUT); pinMode(TableB, INPUT); pinMode(TableC, INPUT); pinMode(TableD, INPUT); MotorsStop(); analogWrite(PwmLeft, 0); analogWrite(PwmRight, 0); delay(2000); // Serial.println("fghfg"); } void loop() { MotorsForward(); if((digitalRead(Sensor3) == LOW) && (TableCheck == 0)){TableCount++; TableCheck = 1;} if((digitalRead(Sensor3) == HIGH) && (TableCheck == 1)){TableCheck = 2;} if((digitalRead(Sensor3) == LOW) && (TableCheck == 2)){TableCount++; TableCheck = 3;} if((digitalRead(Sensor3) == HIGH) && (TableCheck == 3)){TableCheck = 4;} if((digitalRead(Sensor3) == LOW) && (TableCheck == 4)){TableCount++; TableCheck = 5;} if((digitalRead(Sensor3) == HIGH) && (TableCheck == 5)){TableCheck = 0;} if(digitalRead(TableA) == HIGH){RFCheck = 1;} if(digitalRead(TableB) == HIGH){RFCheck = 2;} if(digitalRead(TableC) == HIGH){RFCheck = 3;} if(digitalRead(TableD) == HIGH){RFCheck = 4;} if(RFCheck == TableCount){Table1();} PIDController(); } void MotorsBackward() { digitalWrite(motorL1, HIGH); digitalWrite(motorL2, LOW); digitalWrite(motorR1, HIGH); digitalWrite(motorR2, LOW); } void MotorsForward() { digitalWrite(motorL1, LOW); digitalWrite(motorL2, HIGH); digitalWrite(motorR1, LOW); digitalWrite(motorR2, HIGH); } void MotorsStop() { digitalWrite(motorL1, HIGH); digitalWrite(motorL2, HIGH); digitalWrite(motorR1, HIGH); digitalWrite(motorR2, HIGH); } void MotorsLeft() { analogWrite(PwmLeft, 0); analogWrite(PwmRight, 0); digitalWrite(motorR1, HIGH); digitalWrite(motorR2, HIGH); digitalWrite(motorL1, LOW); digitalWrite(motorL2, HIGH); } void MotorsRight() { analogWrite(PwmLeft, 0); analogWrite(PwmRight, 0); digitalWrite(motorR1, LOW); digitalWrite(motorR2, HIGH); digitalWrite(motorL1, HIGH); digitalWrite(motorL2, HIGH); } void Motors180() { analogWrite(PwmLeft, 0); analogWrite(PwmRight, 0); digitalWrite(motorL1, HIGH); digitalWrite(motorL2, LOW); digitalWrite(motorR1, LOW); digitalWrite(motorR2, HIGH); } void PIDController() { if(digitalRead(SensorL) == HIGH){analogWrite(PwmRight, 250);analogWrite(PwmLeft, 0);} if(digitalRead(SensorR) == HIGH){analogWrite(PwmLeft, 250);analogWrite(PwmRight,0);} if((digitalRead(SensorL) == LOW) && (digitalRead(SensorR) == LOW)){analogWrite(PwmRight, 0);analogWrite(PwmLeft, 0);} } void Table1() { TableCount = 0; MotorsRight(); delay(4000); while(digitalRead(SensorR) == HIGH); while(digitalRead(SensorL) == HIGH); while(1) { MotorsForward(); PIDController(); if(digitalRead(Sensor3) == LOW){break;} } MotorsStop(); delay(1000); Motors180(); delay(2000); while(digitalRead(Sensor3) == HIGH); while(digitalRead(Sensor3) == LOW); while(digitalRead(SensorL) == HIGH); //delay(500); while(1) { MotorsForward(); PIDController(); if(digitalRead(Sensor3) == LOW){break;} } //delay(1000); MotorsLeft(); delay(4000); while(digitalRead(SensorL) == HIGH); while(digitalRead(SensorR) == LOW); while(1) { MotorsForward(); PIDController(); if(digitalRead(Sensor3) == LOW){break;} } MotorsStop(); delay(1000); }
- This code will not work for you exactly.
- The robot is following the line so I have placed some value for IR sensors so that my robot can follow.
- When right IR sensor is HIGH then right motor moves a little faster and left motor slows down.
- In this way I am making it to follow the line so you have to change such values in the code.
- If you got into any issue regarding this project then add us on Skype and we will help you out.
- Here's our final robot looks like:

- Here's the video of Line following Robotic Waiter which will give you the better idea of how it worked: