Single LED Flashing Project with 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS
- First of all, copy these components from the Proteus components library:
- After selecting these components, now design a circuit in Proteus as shown in the below figure:
- Now when you click on RUN button in PRoteus ISIS, the LED will kep on flashing,it will go ON for 1 sec and then go OFF as shown in below figures.
- State # 1 is showing the OFF state of LED while the State # 2 is showing the ON state of LED.
- So, it will keep on flashing unless you Stop the Proteus ISIS simulation.
- You can download this simulation by clicking on the below button.
Download Single LED Flashing with 555 Timer in Proteus
Double LED Flashing Project with 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS
- In the above portion, we have seen how to flash a single LED with 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS, now let's flash two LEDs with 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS.
- First of all design a circuit as shown in below figure:
- As you can see its quite similar to the above project for single LED flashing with 555 timer in Proteus ISIS but has small changes in thhe values of resistor.
- So, now when you hit RUN button on Proteus ISIS then these LEDs will start flashing one after another, means when first LED is ON then the second one will be OFF and vice versa.
- Below figures are showing their ON OFF states:
- State # 1 is showing the OFF state for both the LEDs, while State # 2 is showing the ON state for first LED and OFF state for second and in third State first LED is OFF while the second LED is ON.
- So, this simulation will work in this way, if first LED is ON then the second one will be OFF and vice versa.
- You can download this second simulation by clicking on the below button:
Download 2 Led Flashing Project with 555 Timer in Proteus
That's all for today, in the coming post we will have a look how to design a traffic signal flasher with 555 timer in Proteus ISIS, which is gonna be quite exciting tutorial, so let's meet in the next tutorial. Till then take care and have fun !!! :)
Hello friends, hope you all are fine and enjoying life. In today's tutorial, I am gonna show how to do LED Flashing Project with 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS. Its quite a simple project and usually done by engineers in their first or second semester. I have done this project in my first semester and have learned quite a lot from it. I recently done it on Proteus so thought of sharing it with you guys. It will also work on hardware as I have tested it. In this tutorial, we will first have a look at How to do single LED Flashing with