It is a quick and very simple tutorial and it elaborates how to control the Intensity of LED using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS. It's a very simple project and the complete project is given at the end for download but again as i always say try to design it by yourself so that you get some knowledge out of it. It's a very simple project and these type of projects are designed by Engineering students in their First semester and are really a good start in learning electronics. If you have any queries regarding this project then feel free to ask and i will try me best to resolve them. So, let's get started with implementation of LED Dimming Project using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS.
LED Dimming Project Using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS
- 555 timer is a well known IC used in timing Projects and it is the most widely used IC before micro controllers.
- In our previous projects we have seen how to flash a single or multiple LED's but today we are going one step ahead and we are gonna learn How to Control the Intensity of LED using 555 timer in Proteus ISIS.
- So. first of all, open your Proteus software and include the below components into its work space.

- After adding these components, now we need to design the circuit diagram.
- So, design a circuit diagram of LED Dimming Project using 555 Timer as shown below:

- If you look closely at the project then you will see that it is similar to one of our project titled Sequential LED Blinking Project with 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS.
- In this project we will control the intensity of LED through 555 timer.
- These kind of projects are also used for Decoration purpose and the beauty of this system is that we can change the Dimming rate of LED and we can control it our self.
- Now we are done with the Designing of the project and let's run its Proteus simulation.
- When you run the Proteus simulation and if everything is alright then the LED pattern will be like:

- The above figure shown the three states of the project.
- State # 1 shows the OFF state of LED, State # 2 shows that LED has started to glow and State # 3 shows that LED is glowing with full intensity.
- After that the loop starts again from State #1 to State # 3, unless you keep running the Proteus Simulation.
- You can download the simulation of LED Dimming project using 555 Timer by clicking on below button:
That's all for today, in the coming post we will discuss few more such projects. Till than take care !!! :)